F O R T Y - O N E

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Year Seven

After Dumbledore's death, we fled back to the manor, and Draco and I stayed in his room the entire time. Especially when Lucius returned, Draco was sure to keep us holed up in his room because he did not want to risk Lucius ridiculing me.

I was thankful to have Draco by my side the whole time though. I do not think I would have survived if I were alone.

Throughout the whole holiday, I dreaded returning to school. Surely everyone knows about who I have become... despite the Carrows running the school, I was still incredibly nervous to return.

Everyday I think of Harry and what he said in the bathroom on the day Draco got hurt. How I am a disappointment to Sirius and our parents. I know he is right, but the Dark Side was my only choice. I hate letting everyone down, but at the same time, no one was there for me when I needed them most.

Except for Draco.

He held me close after I woke up from having a bad dream. His fingers stroked my hair gently as he hummed softly.

This was a normal occurrence for the both of us. Tonight, I was the one to have a bad dream. It featured Dumbledore's death. Sometimes it's about my parents, and others, Sirius. It really just depends.

"Take deep breaths, my love. You're okay," he whispered softly as my tears subsided.

"I love you, Draco," I whispered.

He pulled me into his chest and put the comforter over us both once more.

"I love you, too. Now get some sleep. You need it," he whispered.

I sighed softly since I was now relaxed. His hand ran up and down my back which only soothed me more. Within moments, I had fallen asleep and thankfully, I avoided all dreams.

However, the closer we got to returning to school, the more and more I dreaded it. My dreams only worsened, and so did Draco's.

I just had no clue how I was to face everyone knowing everyone knows about our true identities.

Especially Harry.

It all just makes me sick. Voldemort is so prominent on us "completing our education" but in all honesty, he could really care less about us, and who we are, and what we do with our lives.

He just wants us to be humiliated because he knows we are two weak adolescents who did not have the stomach to kill Dumbledore.

I hate the idea of what my life has come to. The thought of seeing everyone and knowing that they all likely know of who I have become makes me absolutely anxious.

The worst part of it is that no one understands why we did what we did. It was either life or death, however I wonder if I made the right choice sometimes.

But the day finally came for us to leave for school. I sat up slowly in bed and rubbed my eyes. A sick feeling overcame me as I realized it was September 1st, the day we leave.

I rubbed my face and glanced down at Draco, who was still asleep beside me. I did not bother waking him because I know he will feel the same way about returning, and I want to spare him of that feeling for as long as possible. So, I slipped out of bed quietly and made my way to the bathroom, where I showered and got ready for the day.

As I was doing my hair, the bathroom door pushed open and Draco trudged in, looking defeated as ever.

I turned to look at him and we shared sorrowful glances.

All Because of a Bet (Draco x Y/n) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin