T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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The End of the D.A. (For Now)

It did not take long for me to gather the squad members because within just a span of a few minutes, we were following Umbridge and Cho into the upper corridors of Hogwarts.

"How did you do it?" asked Draco as we hurried up a flight of stairs.

"I didn't," I answered, "she just flat out told the truth."

We pulled to a stop in front of a wall and Umbridge pulled out her wand as she turned to face all of us. "Congrats everyone! This is what we have been working for!"

I shared a glance with Draco. He was obviously happy, but me, not so much. Despite being mad at these people who were about to get in so much trouble, they are still my friends.

Umbridge then turned around and fired a series of spells at the wall which caused loud explosions. Finally, a hole broke through which was just big enough for one to peer through.

It was clear Umbridge was bursting with excitement as she peered through the hole. She did her obnoxious little giggle before raising her wand once more. Another massive explosion sounded out, and I buried my face into Draco's chest as the cloud of dust and debris cleared.

When it was all gone, I looked up to see my friends standing in either shock, or simply glaring at Cho and me, but this was not my fault! I was trying to help them!

"Get them!" Umbridge seethed with a huge smile.

Many of the Slytherins filled the room. Some of the students tried to run, but Pansy slowed them down by firing a series of curses at them, such as the tripping curse.

I decided to look like I was doing something, so I found two first years and took them by a handful of their robes. I started to pull them away from the area, but instead of turning towards Umbridge's office, I brought them to the library. Both of their eyes were wide.

"I won't say anything if you don't," I said.

Their faces were completely white and their eyes were huge as they nodded before scampering inside of the library.

I then made my way back to the Room of Requirement to see if there was anyone else for me to save. Sure enough, the rest of the squad had swooped them up so I made my way to Umbridge's.

Draco was outside and he gave me a massive smile when I approached. 

"The minister is on his way and Pottah was taken to Dumbledore's office. There is no way he is getting defended on this one no matter how hard Dumbledore tries," he said rather excitedly.

I gave Draco a wry smile because I was without a doubt upset, but Draco did not seem to notice. Why would he? He is Draco Malfoy after all.

"That's great, Draco," I murmured. "I um, I'm not feeling too well. I'll see you tomorrow, right?" I said because I really was not feeling great. 

He nodded. "Alright, I will let you know what happens. Uh, feel better."

I gave him a half smile and turned on my heel quickly. Instead of going to the Slytherin House, I actually went to the Gryffindor Tower because I missed my friends. The Slytherins are great, but they stand for everything I believe against.

When I reached the tower, I stopped before the Fat Lady.

"Gee, I haven't seen you here in a while," she seethed. "Aren't you a Slytherin now?"

I rolled my eyes and mumbled the password. She narrowed her eyes at me, but opened the portrait hole for me. I stumbled inside and held my head down as I walked.

I could hear many voices, they all sounded concerned. I don't blame them, though. They all did just get caught by Umbridge.

When I appeared in the dim lighting of the common room, I could hear all the voices stop. Everyone was silent for a moment as I looked up at them.

"Are you here to bring us to Umbridge?" Ginny spat.

I looked amongst my real housemates who were all glaring at me. My chin was starting to wobble, but I blinked back the tears.

"I'm sorry. I was trying to protect you all, but Cho, she flat out told the truth with no potion," I stated, my voice cracking as I did so.

So many people in that room rolled their eyes. It was a sickening feeling having all my friends hate me despite trying to do the right thing for them.

"Blame it all on Chang, why don't you. Is she the one who made you switch to Slytherin?" Seamus jeered. 

"They accepted me... I only joined the squad for one reason, and that was to protect you all. It would have continued that way if it wasn't for Cho!"

As I spoke, the common room door opened up and in walked Pansy, Theo, Crabbe, and Goyle. Theo held a long piece of parchment, and wore a grim smile just like the other three.

"How did you get in here?" I asked.

"Umbridge! She wants us to collect all the students who were out of line," Pansy explained.

I glanced back at my housemates. All their faces fell, just as my heart fell for them. They were trying to fight back and do something they love for those they love, but it was put to a stop... and they are now getting punished for it.

Theo began to read the names off of the long piece of parchment and I fell silent as all the students whose names were called filed out the door one by one.

"Longbottom... Finnigan... Thomas... all the Weaselbees," he said, chuckling at his replacement name for 'Weasley.'

I rolled my eyes. "It's 'Weasley.' Say it right or don't say it at all."

Theo raised a single eyebrow at me. "Since when do you care about these Gryffindorks?"

"They are my housemates. Obviously I would," I said dryly.

Theo's nose scrunched up. "Gross."

All Because of a Bet (Draco x Y/n) Where stories live. Discover now