F O R T Y - N I N E

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A Few Years Later

After the war had ended, Draco and I decided to work on bettering lives by focusing on each other, Scorpius, and becoming successful.

Because of all we went through, and what we helped put others through, we wanted to change.

Therefore, we pursued careers and a few years after the war, we were working our way up in the Ministry.

Despite loving each other and wanting the other to be the best, we still had not lost our competitive drive. Let's just say we were both competing to be the Minister. We've been supportive of one another the whole way, but we couldn't let our little rivalry die just because we fell in love or whatever.

However, our competitiveness did bring us so much success because we are both very high up in the Ministry. We also both make good money and have our own home together.

It's a gorgeous countryside manor. We bought it last year after we both received huge promotions. Also, we did get married so obviously we knew it was best for us to live together.

The wedding was small but I loved every minute of it and I am so happy to call Draco mine.

Anyways, we love having our own place because we can raise Scorp in peace. Besides, I know Narcissa was getting annoyed having us there 24/7.

But it's been great. We can not be happier. Scorpius is a handful but he makes us laugh all the time.

He's a spitting image of Draco for sure.

Draco sipped on his wine as I snuggled into his embrace. It was late at night as we had just finally gotten Scorpius into bed.

"This wine tastes great," Draco said before taking a loud sip.

I rolled my eyes as I glanced up at him. "I'm sure it is, ass hat."

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "Only about five more months to go, my love."

His cold hand brushed over my stomach. A bump was forming and I could not be happier knowing we are so close to meeting our baby girl.

"Can we name her Lily?" I asked suddenly.

For a while now, I have been wanting to name her after my mum.

Draco smiled gently at me and nodded whilst pulling me closer by my waist. "Lily Malfoy. I love it."

I felt myself smile as he pressed a soft kiss to my lips. However, that moment was quickly interrupted as I felt something crawl into my lap.

Well, more like someone.


I let out an exasperated sigh but could not help but laugh at my son. As pestering as he could be, he was the cutest thing ever.

"Scorp, you should be in bed."

Rather than responding to me, he only nestled between Draco and me. It is something that happens often actually.

Draco was rolling his eyes. I know he had other plans for tonight, but his expression softened right after Scorp cooed 'Dada' softly.

"What's up, son?" Draco asked gently as he wrapped an arm over Scorp and me so we laid in an embrace.

"I like sleeping with you guys better," he said.

I shared a small glance with Draco and we both smiled.

Our little boy. How could he be so loving and adorable? He definitely made us soft but it's okay, we needed it.

I watched with a soft smile on my face as Draco pressed a kiss to Scorp's head. "Alright, but only if you let me cuddle Mummy too. You always hog her," said Draco as he helped both of us up and started to guide us in the direction of our room.

"I promise! Mummy will be all yours!"

I laughed gently knowing fully well I would not be. This happens every night. Scorp always cuddles up to me and Draco ends up sleeping on the edge of the bed, with barely any room.

To be fair though, Scorp is a mummy's boy but I know for a fact little Lily will love Draco more than anything.

She will be his little girl and I am so excited to raise another child with him.

It was totally unexpected and I can't believe I'm excited to be married to Draco Malfoy, yet here we are.

But hey, he loved me through the good times and the bad. We went through everything together and only came out stronger. It only proves we are meant to be because our love is unbreakable and we deserve to be together after everything.

I am so truly blessed to be able to love him, and I am still shocked I love him, considering all our years of hatred.

But hey, you could say I care about the guy.

Although, it is rather crazy to me to think that our crazy love story happened all because of a bet.

The End

If you enjoyed this book, be sure to check out my others. I highly recommend 'His Darling Clementine' as it is in the works :)
Also, thank you so much to those who stuck it out and read this book. It is not one I planned on transferring over to Wattpad so it was a long process but I'm glad some of you all enjoyed it! So much love<3

All Because of a Bet (Draco x Y/n) Where stories live. Discover now