T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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Life is Never Easy for the Potter Twins

We rushed into a dark room, which was lit by a gentle glow of our wands, and rushed down the corridors between the shelves of prophecies.

However, Harry stopped defeatedly after counting beneath his breath.

"He's not here!" he cried, "Sirius was right here!"

An uneasy feeling overcame me because Sirius is the only parent figure we have left. Of course, there is Lupin and the Weasleys... but this is Sirius we are talking about.

"Are you sure it wasn't just your imagination?" asked Ginny.

Both Harry and I shook our heads. Though I do not have visions like Harry, I know how real they are. For that, I know for a fact that Sirius is in trouble, and that we need to get to him.

Desperately, Harry and I began to search for any trace of Sirius, though we had no luck.

"Aye, Harry, this prophecy has your name on it," said Neville.

On the shelf, was a glowing prophecy. We all watched as Harry stared at it for a moment and took it off the shelf.

But then, our attention was elsewhere when a man in Death Eater attire began to approach us.

I felt my breath hitch because I do not think I have ever been this close to one.

The man removed his mask with a quick motion from his wand. The mask seemed to disappear into a cloud of smoke. Of course, Lucius Malfoy was the one behind the mask.

I have never really met Lucius, but I know what he is like from what I have heard from Draco. Little hint, he is not a good man.

"Well, well, well," he said, sounding almost amused.

We all watched him carefully. For whatever reason, I did not necessarily feel fearful.

"Where is Sirius?" Harry spat.

Lucius chuckled and stopped a few feet away from us all. "Give me the prophecy."

"Tell me where Sirius is," Harry said again, but way more forcefully this time.

A small smirk formed onto Lucius's face. It resembled Draco's so closely.

Though before Lucius could respond, a very high voice came from behind Lucius. "He knows how to play!" they exclaimed.

Lucius stepped aside, and only to reveal Bellatrix Lestrange. Neville tensed up beside me as she mocked all of us.

"Ignore her," I whispered as she made little comments about each of us.

But it seemed to happen so quickly. More people in Death Eater attire began to surround us from every which way. However, we were prepared for this.

As Harry and Lucius went back and forth, I stared at the Death Eater before me, with my wand pointing at them, ready for Harry's cue.

Finally, Harry shouted "now," and we all flicked our wands while shouting, "stupefy," which stunned all the surrounding Death Eaters. With pathways clear, we all took off down an aisle in hopes of escaping the Death Eaters.

As we ran though, we were separated due to Death Eaters taking us on. I ran by myself after freeing myself from a Death Eater. As I ran, I bumped right into Harry.

"Get down!" I commanded as a glimpse of smoke caught my eye, which was behind him.

He ducked and I flicked my wand, which took out the traveling Death Eater as they crashed to the ground. Harry and I shared glances before racing off to find the others.

Finding everyone else did not take long and we were soon racing for an exit. As we pushed through the door that finally appeared, we were all shocked when we fell a dangerous amount of feet; Hermione broke our falls by casting a charm which stopped us inches above the ground. We did end up slamming into a cold concrete floor though after a few seconds of hovering in the air.

"Okay, what on earth," I stated as I hopped up to my feet.

Though the scene was changing once again. When I opened my eyes once more, Harry and Lucius were going at it infront of me and I could not move because someone had a grip on me and was digging their wand into my neck. Everyone else, they stood a short distance away, each with a Death Eater digging a wand into their neck, like me.

Harry and Lucius, they were talking. "Give me the prophecy, Potter," he said, and Harry, of course, refused.

"Harry, don't," I murmured, which earned me a sharper poke in the neck from the person holding on to me.

Lucius turned to look at me and gave me an evil smile.

"Potter, this must be your sister? Yes?" Lucius questioned.

"Yep," I spat.

Lucius chuckled. "Such a fiesty one, you are... Now Harry, what if I told you I would kill your sister if you do not give me the prophecy."

Harry's eyes flashed over to me. I shook my head at him. Like Lucius has the guts to do that anyways.

But, Harry seemed to have a different idea. I rolled my eyes as Harry gave in, and handed Lucius the prophecy hesitantly.

A look of satisfaction appeared on Lucius's face, but that was quickly erased when he dropped it. Next thing I knew, members of the Order were fighting off the Death Eaters. Sirius pulled Harry and I aside.

"You two are doing amazing," he said as we crouched out of sight from any Death Eaters, "but you need to leave."

I shook my head. No way.  "I'm not leaving you!" I cried.

"Little Potter, you need to. It'll be safer... besides, Lily would kill me if you two were to get hurt," he stated.

"We're not leaving you," said Harry harshly, which seemed to get Sirius off the subject. That, and the fact that a Death Eater was attacking.

We jumped right into a duel with the man, but he stood no chance. That was the same for all the other people... even Lucius. A satisfied smile appeared on my face as we defeated him... though my smile soon disappeared, and I honestly thought it would be for good.

My heart completely dropped as I watched the life fade from Sirius's eyes. He glanced at me before falling back into the veil.

I was completely frozen as I collapsed onto the ground. No tears came. I was just shocked as I heard a heartbreaking scream come from my brother.


He was gone. The one person who was a true parental figure to Harry and me, was gone.

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