T H I R T Y - F O U R

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Truth or Dare
warning: mature themes, such as underage drinking are mentioned!

"I trust your task is going well?" asked Voldemort as we sat in a meeting a few days upon arriving at Malfoy Manor.

Honestly, being at the manor has been nice because we haven't been forced to work on the cabinet. Draco and I have spent a lot of time together, however being in a meeting brought back every reminder of why I hate my life.

"It is. It will be done by the end of the year," Draco responded.

Voldemort gave Draco a content nod and glanced at me. Fucking hell. I hate when he looks at me. His face gives me nightmares.

"Don't be scared," he said in a mocking tone, which told me he either just read my thoughts, or I suck at hiding my emotions. Either way, I do not want to come off weak to the Lord.

"Scared? Me?" I laughed and shook my head. "What do you need, my Lord?"

He smiled an evil smile and stood up from where he sat at the head of the table.

"I am thinking about sending you in as a spy. You are the perfect person to do it, so in a few months, I may have you reunite with your brother... if he is not dead yet."

Stifled laughter came from around the table. I too faked a laugh. "Of course. Let me know."

He then moved on to speak to the next person, while Nagini slithered past my feet. Chills ripped down my spine.

I hate it here, so much, yet I have no regrets joining the Dark Side. They care more for me than anyone else does. That isn't saying much, but at least I have Draco.

After all, on this side, I can get back at everyone who hurt me.

When we were dismissed from the meeting, Draco and I hurried upstairs and to his room.

"Those meetings never get easier," I mumbled as I changed out of my evening wear.

"I agree," he mumbled as he walked over to where I was changing and pulled me into an embrace. He completely towered over me as he wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me in close.

"I love you, Draco," I whispered.

I know he is struggling right now. He tries to hide it, but I can tell he is bothered because he is no longer the cocky douche I first knew from first year and all the way up to fifth year. Now, he's quiet and never says anything. I don't even think him and Harry have talked yet this year. They usually get into a verbal disagreement three times a week, at least.

However, what most don't know is he did mean well. Obviously, he took it far at times, but he never meant harm. Okay, maybe to Harry, but to every one else, not so much.

"I love you too, Y/n..."

He placed a few kisses onto my head before letting me go so I could finish getting ready for bed.

And so, a while later, he climbed into bed beside me. I set down the book I was reading and rested my head atop his chest, while he wrapped an arm around me.

"You know," he said, "I understand a big objective of our task is getting my father out of Azkaban, but I don't really care all that much about that."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"He's a terrible man," he said a little harshly.

Of course I agreed, but it's not like I could just drag his dad like that. It's not my place to talk.

All Because of a Bet (Draco x Y/n) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang