F O R T Y - S I X

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Full Swing

The baby was not supposed to be due for another month or so, though I was shocked when pain shot through my stomach only a few days after seeing Harry once again.

I sat up quickly from where I was lying in bed. Draco stirred softly beside me but also shot up as a cry of pain left my lips.

"What's wrong?" he asked as he took my shaking hands in his.

"My stomach," I murmured.

He seemed just as nervous as I felt but he leapt into action.

He sprinted down the hallway and moments later, Narcissa appeared. Thankfully, Lucius is away with a task.

"Is everything alright?" she asked as Draco helped me out of bed.

I clutched my stomach and tried to nod, but stopped when my water broke. My mouth dropped open as I glanced up from the floor, and to Draco.

He ushered me back into the bed as Narcissa began to order house elves on what to do.

"Can we go to St. Mungos?" I asked as she handed me a warm rag.

"I don't think we have time. I already have help on the way though. Please don't fret," she said as she fluffed the pillows for me.

Obviously, I was freaking out. I don't know why I wouldn't be. The baby is coming earlier than planned and I guess I can't get to a hospital.

Draco was also freaking out, though I could tell he was trying to hide it for my sake. He held my hand and wiped the stray hairs from my face while Narcissa and the house elves bustled about.

"You'll be okay," he whispered as he climbed onto the bed beside me so he could comfort me.

"Draco, the baby is early," I whispered as he ran a hand through my hair. "I-I'm not ready."

"Don't say that. You're the strongest person I know. It'll be okay. Just relax. You have time."

I took a deep breath and settled into the comfort of the bed because it was going to be a long night.

The hours were long and painful, and it seemed to take forever until Narcissa finally informed me to start pushing.

I glanced up at Draco, who perked up at those words. He climbed off of the bed but still held my hand.

"You got it, darling," he whispered as he stroked my stray hairs from my face. "I'm right here."

And so, it all went surprisingly fast. Draco wore a small smile the entire time, but it turned into a big grin when the cries of a baby filled the room.

Narcissa was smiling as she handed me a little bundle of blankets, in which a little baby was wrapped inside.

A boy.

A little boy.

I fell in love with him instantly. All the worry and doubt I had built up from the past few months washed away when I looked into his eyes, which resembled mine.

Tears threatened to fall, and I let them, because I was truly as happy as can be.

Draco placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and smiled. He was also crying.

He pressed a gentle kiss to the side of my head and I handed our son to him. The second he cradled him, the cries of our son ceased, but Draco's seemed to fall harder.

"He's a handsome one. Looks just like his dad," I said after a moment.

Draco cracked a smile and laughed softly.

Honestly, the moment was so surreal. I simply could not believe it just happened.

Yet, could I really be surprised? Our lives have changed so much in the last few months, and are still prone to so much more change.

Though the happiness from the arrival of our little boy, who we would be naming Scorpius, did not last long.

Within only a few days of being with him, the war went into full swing.

As I sat in bed with Draco, who was rocking Scorpius, Narcissa burst through the door. She told us everything about what is going on and how we are expected to fight.

I glanced down at our son and felt all the happiness from the past few days come crashing down.

No one other than Narcissa and Draco know I have given birth. There is no out for me. I will have to go fight because what will Voldemort say when I am not there?

Of course, I will secretly fight for the right side, but I can't just leave Scorpius within days of his arrival.

"It'll be okay. He will be cared for," she reassured as I shakily said my goodbye to my son.

It was all just so unreal. One minute, I am happy we can be. How can it all end so fast?

Draco brought me a change of clothes and said his goodbyes to Scorpius while I changed.

Once we were both dressed and each gave a clueless Scorpius one final goodbye each, we handed him off to a house elf and apparated right into a battle.

He pulled me into his embrace as spells shot right and left and debris from the castle showered over us.

"Come on," he whispered as he pulled us into the safety of the castle. We ducked beneath a stairwell and he took my hand while I glanced around for anyone we may know.

"Y/n, love," he whispered as he removed one of his rings.

I stayed quiet as he put it on my finger and grazed his fingers over it.

"Just know that I love you. I know I have not always shown it, but I do. In case we get separated, this ring will symbolize our love," he explained.

By this point I was completely shaking because what we were about to do could very likely get us killed.

"I love you," I whispered right before his lips met mine.

"I love you too. Stay safe, but for now, you aren't leaving my sight."

I glanced up into his eyes and let him press one more gentle kiss to my lips before we ran out into the battle.

All Because of a Bet (Draco x Y/n) Where stories live. Discover now