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The leader of the demons walked down a hallway decorated in the most depressing colors. Those he passed in the hall he greeted, they were his equals as well as his half siblings.

He stopped to talk with one in particular, "I need help with a certain something," He asked, "Still can't tame it? I have a couple of ideas and I'm sure an old friend will happily help," The other said with a chuckle.

They parted ways and Demon continued on his way, to see his father.

He came upon an open thrown room, his father sitting on the large thrown.

He showed the pieces he acquired, "We're one step closer. Figure out how to destroy those pieces," He said before shooing him away.

His plan will take time, as do all plans.

He and his companions will succeed, even if in legend it was told they were doomed to fall.

"The age of corruption will return and I will have all that power back," The Corrupter of Steves said with a malevolent smile.

*I can get this done before Tuesday ends :D (looks at the time to see it's 11 PM) #^%$*

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