After a lot of shotting the whole bottom floor was dead. I stood up and walked over to a door on the left. I opened the door with some people behind me and we found a room with computers and paperwork. We walk in and start looking around. I see someone hacking in to the computer while I looked around in the paperwork when I find something very important.

I looked throw it and then ran out the door and went upstairs. I have to get to Axel NOW!

I ran around until I find him shotting people around him.

I grabbed one of my knifes and throw it to a guy that was ready to hit Axel with something. He looked behind him and then he looked at me. He suddenly shot his gun and a woman with a knife fell to the ground behind me.

He ran up to me and then we both got behind some boxes.

"What are you doing here" he asked while shotting people.

"Axel this whole place is surrounded by explosions the whole building is going to blow up!" I said while also shotting people.

"Fuck how much time do we have"

"5 minutes"

He grabbed something out of his pocket and I saw it was a walky talky

"Get everyone out the building its going to blow in 5 minutes!" he yelled in to it.

He stood up and shot the guy he wanted to shot the whole time and that was the end of the ghost Roses.

Everyone was now trying to get out of the building. Axel grabbed me by my arm and we ran out of the room. We made our way downstairs but then.
{Axel's Pov}

Me and Riley were running down the stairs and I could see some people still in the building

"Get out of here its about to blow!" I yelled!

Then I felt Riley falling onto the ground. I look back to her and see her on her back with blood coming out of her stomach.  Then I got shot in my leg and then in my arm. I fell to the ground and I look over to where the the shotting came from. I saw a guy agenst the wall with a lot of blood running out of his body. He was about to shot again but then his body gave up on him and he dead of blood losed.

I saw Jayden running up to Riley while she was bleeding a lot.

Fuck fuck no no no!

"Riley keep your eyes open come on" I heard Jayden say. He had bad injuries but right now I was more focused on Riley.

I picked her up even with my arm that hurted like a bitch and we walked out of the front door. We just made it back to the car and then the whole building blow up. I place riley down in one of the cars and people start helping her.

Some people were also helping me but I was to worried for her.

Was she okay? Will she make it? All these Questions were stuck in my head.
When the people that were helping me were done I ran back to were Riley was to see her with her eyes just a little open and I saw Jayden wispering to her. Her wound was completely bandaged and it looked like they got the bullet out that hit her.

I felt relieve for knowing she was okay and I walk over to her.

"Hey Riley you okay?" I asked knowing it's a dumb Question like of course not she just got shot.

She didn't respond instead she grabbed my hand.

Her hands were so soft and her small hand fit perfectly in my big hand.

"Let's go we are done here" I say to everyone and I pick up Riley and place her into the car with me. Jayden needed to stay in the other car cause his wounds needed to be taken care of. He didn't want to leave his sister so he didn't let anyone do his wounds.

I put my back agenst the car door and laid her on my chest. I don't know what she is doing to me but I do know that I am slowly falling in love with this girl.
{Riley Pov}

I was in Axel's arms and I felt so save. I just got shot and it hurts so much but with him by my side the pain is slowly going away.

I looked up at Axel and met with his eyes. I then looked at his lips and before I knew his lips were on mine.
Wow his lips gave me a spark and they were so soft. First the kiss started soft and gentle but then it got hot and he licked my bottom lip for entrance and I gave it to him.

His tong was dancing with mine and it was magical. We didn't want to pull away but we needed air. I slowly opened my eyes and met with his eyes. He had so much love and lust in them.

Oh god this guy will be the death of me but I love him.....

Just You And Me...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن