Jungkook turned red, eyes lowering to the ground, as the familiar bashful feeling gradually crept in.

Seokjin noticed this of course, and he smiled.

Jungkook coughed to clear his clogged throat. "Not yet, I'll go home some other time, but I wanted to come back here today"

"Oh" Seokjin exclaimed, "you must really miss me then" he teased, not forgetting to wiggle his brows to add to the torture.

This caused Jungkook to scoff in obvious disbelief, pushing passed the man into the spacious kitchen, "So what are you making? It smells really nice by the way, and also, do I get a taste? Because it seems you weren't expecting me back tonight"

Noticing Jungkook's successful attempt to change the topic, Seokjin couldn't help but grin even wider. "You win" he muttered under his breath, before adding, "of course you get a taste, there's more than enough to go round Jeongukie"

"Maybe I'll have to wait until forever, for you to understand it's Jungkook and not Jeonguk nor Jeongukie" he said, with an eye roll.

Seokjin snuck up behind him, pulling out a stool from the kitchen island, "Take a sit Jeongukie, I'll feed you well" he says with a lustrous wink.

Jungkook facepalmed internally, taking his seat without bothering to counter Seokjin's words immediately.

After plating Jungkook's dinner, Seokjin brought it to the table, along with his as they immediately began digging in. Few minutes into the meal, Seokjin breaks the peace and quiet by saying

"Oh, some of the pictures from my first shoot came out today. They needed my take on them before making them unto the front pages of magazines. Personally, I think they look really good, but I'd also like your intake on them. Do you mind if I forward a few to you for you to see? Of course, that's only if you don't mind"

Jungkook could only nod his head, as his mouth was stuffed full with food.

Kim Seokjin flashed him a toothy grin, "I knew I could count on you, I'll send them to you later before bed"

Jungkook emerges from his bathroom with a white towel draped around his waist, his lavender body wash sipping through the air,  adding to the fresh and clean smell he emitted.

As soon as he took a sit by his vanity, his cellphone dinged and lit up, signaling a text. Ditching his already opened face cream, Jungkook waddled to the edge of the bed and picked up his cellphone.

He shouldn't have, damn right he shouldn't have!

Splayed across his screen, where some of the pictures Kim Seokjin had earlier promised to forward to him. When? When had Seokjin even done a shoot like this? Was he aware? Jungkook couldn't quite remember.

Kim Seokjin looked sinful, that was the only and best word to describe the kind of pictures Jungkook was presently starring at.

Some were of Seokjin in a Calvin Klein Jeans which hugged his thighs properly in the right places, with a custom made matching black briefs underneath. Seokjin was completely topless, leaving nothing up to the mind's imagination. Others were of him only in the same black briefs, leaning sensually against a platform stool, with his thumb hooked over the waist band and his tongue sticking out from the corner of his lips.

Kim Seokjin had toned, well defined and strong abs, which were easily flexing in the kind of postures he had in the photos.

As Jungkook further scrolled, his eyes were etched to his cellphone screen. They were some pictures too in which Seokjin had damp hair, jeans hanging loosely around his tiny waist, while facing backwards, with the muscles of his back bulging out in the right places. The biceps of his arms too flexed proudly, as he had both arms lazily draped over his head.

Jungkook sat back down on his bed, sweating like he hadn't just taken a very long shower. His throat went completely dry, and a visible boner grew underneath the towel, making him feel extremely hot and uncomfortable.

Climbing onto his bed, Jungkook laid on his back, inhaling and exhaling to calm his raging heart, he could literally hear his heart beat drumming loudly in his ears.

Blinking was almost forbidden, as he brought the phone up to his eyes to make sure all he had seen earlier were indeed true, or not.

Jungkook's entire body ached to be touched, licked, manhandled in anyway possible. Every fiber of his being burned with coal like fire, as he imagined Kim Seokjin's fingers merely tracing circles over his thick thighs.

Jungkook's wobbly fingers involuntarily inched lower down his body, where they slightly rubbed over his huge bulge, and he moaned out. A very long and throaty kind, closing his eyes in pure ecstasy.

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