Gallio tried to ignore the shocked expression on Savvi's face when his family name was revealed. "I still don't know what's happening, though. What mess did we get caught up in?"

Imran nodded and gave Oliver a somber look. "Do you think you can share the situation with us?"

Oliver looked down at his tea and contemplated his answer. "Someone is hellbent on destroying my reputation."

Savvi snorted. "Reputation? Just call them out and fight them. Why make it complicated?"

Oliver shook his head at the statement. "In Abrorg, your status in your tribe is based on your strategic thinking and stealth. Your divinity and medical skills in Osmela determine your position in the church. In Rucrea, your strength is what's respected... But in Bierze, the thing that is revered the most is a man's reputation. The moment it is tarnished, you are defeated."

"But you're the future Royal Consort. Who the hell would want to pit themselves against you?" Gallio asked.

Oliver picked up his tea cup with a slight curl of his lips. "What better way to break up an engagement than to catch the fiance in a desolate place like The Apex?"

Imran's face hardened, and turned to Gallio and Savvi. "And what were you two doing there?"

Gallio shrunk down. "I pissed off some noble when he visited the church. He told me to go there for some rare herbs for my potions."

Savvi looked like he was wronged. "Oliver led me there."

"You followed me there," Oliver argued with a glare.

Imran snorted. "Followed? How could Savvi follow anyone when he stinks of lemon?"

"What? I don't!" He sniffed and paled. "How?"

Oliver gave a low chuckle. "It's on the coin pouch you stole."

Imran laughed as he picked up the coin pouch from Savvi's waist and sniffed it.  He was enjoying the night that was filled with surprises. "Smart! I never thought about using a scent as a tracer."

Oliver rubbed the back of his neck. "He surprised me because I couldn't sense him before, so I used a cheap move."

"Damn right, that was cheap! I thought we were friends!" Savvi puffed his cheeks.

"We were strangers when you pickpocketed right in front of me."

"Were those goons your friends?" Savvi asked.

"No. They were accomplices in tonight's fiasco." He shrugged. "They are probably learning about how easily disposable they are."

Gallio tapped his chin. "But who was behind it? Who would want to tear apart your engagement?"

"The list is quite extensive... but a special opponent orchestrated this." When seeing their lingering confusion, he chuckled. "Did you not see who was leading the raid?"

They both shook their heads.

"Tomin Lamariel," Oliver answered.

Imran dropped his teacup, letting it spill on the floor. "Do you know what that means, Oliver?" He asked with a hoarse voice.

"Tomin Lamariel is the commander of the Royal Guards, and only two people can control him; my fiance and my future father-in-law."

Gallio jumped up. "The fucking Belelots did this?"

Oliver sipped his tea. "Naturally."

Oliver's calm attitude was perplexing for the group. He admitted that his future husband was plotting against him, but he wasn't bothered by it. Instead, he seemed only to want to confirm it out of curiosity. 

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