🍋Yamaguchi x male reader

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Requested by:yamaguchisgaylover

Contains: overstimulation, deep throating, slight choking, degrading, and masochist

Three years ago

A double life is hard not many people can pull it off, it takes a toll on a person's body and with Tadashi living a double life its can be a little hard at times you and Tadashi barley have time to each other because during the day he is a professional volleyball player and at night he's a singer/electric guitarist in a band with piercings (looking totally hot).

You met Tadashi one night at a music concert he was on stage singing his heart out you noticed when he sings, he sings with his eyes closed. He had a guitar solo he opened his eyes and when he did you were the first one he saw and that's when he decided to take his playing to another level he jumped off stage walking straight to you he then gets on one knee and starts shredding his guitar then he starts to sing but this time he is looking deep into your eyes singing the most beautiful melody once he was done he went back on stage to thank everyone for coming.

you had a gut feeling that you should stay behind so you went to the bar and had yourself a drink. The guitarist walked up and sat next to you and handed you, his number on a sheet of paper.

"I-I w-would l-like to get to know you if that's okay?"

you smiled and knew this boy was the one for you he was nervous to talk to you that shows that he's not one of those cocky dudes who just wants a fuck, and he also didn't hit on you right off the bat not saying that all guys aren't sincere, but you just had bad luck when it came to guys.

Present time

Snapping out of your daze Tadashi walks into the living room just woken up from his slumber he makes himself a cup of coffee then walks back into the living room where he finds you sitting down on the couch drinking your cup of joe. This man is so clingy in the morning so when he picks you up and placed you in his lap, you're not surprised you just reach up and rub his head.

"Good morning Mr. Rockstar"

he nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck and hums breathing in your home feeling scent.


"How was your show?"


you smile when you heard soft snores you felt bad for him, he rarely has a break all you wanted to do was take some of the stress away but knowing this stubborn shit head he won't let you.

"Tadashii come on I know your sleepy, but don't you have a game today?"


you wiggle his head..... still didn't wake up.

"Taaa-ddddiiiii-ssshhhh-iiiii" you poked his cheeks and he still wouldn't wake up that's when you had an idea you slowly pulled him off of you and you snuck away into the office and grabbed a washable marker and walked back to the sleeping boy and started to draw on his face. You wrote many things like handsome, on his forehead as well as giving him some glasses as well a mustache once you were done you attacked him with kisses.


he opened an eye and smiled

"Good morning bby"

you chuckle and gave him a kiss

"go shower you have a game today"

"Okay okay I'm going I'm going oh tonight I don't have a concert or practice"

Haikyuu x male readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon