☁️Goshiki x Neighbor male reader

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idea by:Makoto-likes-to-cook

Contains:,fluff, funny, scared tough Goshiki, "Ghost"

It's been four years since the last owner of the house next door moved away it's been on the market and rumors had it that a scary ghost was haunting the place. Why you still live next door who knows maybe because you like a good scare and all the rumors about the house was making you eager to just break in and explore yourself but after all the waiting finally someone had moved in. Deep down you really wished the person moving in wasn't some old person you would feel bad.

A week later the new owner was unloading all of his things, you being you walked out to the boy.

"Excuse me" you said tapping his shoulder making him turn around.


"Oh, my I'm so sorry my name is y/n l/n I'm your neighbor I came over to ask if you would like some help?" you told the boy trying to be a nice neighbor.

"Oh, hello my name is Goshiki Tsutomu and yes please that would be great but wait that would make me look weak and IM NOT WEAK" he said causing you to look at him very confused like he was a crazy person.

"Would you like the help?" you asked one more time

"y-yes" he said in defeat


"don't worry I won't" you said picking up some boxes.

After you both shared a few laughs while helping him unbox everything he asked for your number, so you gave it to him, and he smiled happily.

You and Goshiki talked more then you thought you would, it was quite nice you enjoyed his goofy smile when he laughed his silly text, he used odd unicorn emojis but they kind of looked like him which you thought was really cute ..... CUTE!!! Just the stickers, right?

A few weeks passed by, and you noticed something strange on Goshiki he was gaining dark circles under his eyes like he hasn't slept in a while you shrugged it off thinking that maybe he's been studying hard late at night. But they only gotten worse when he would come over to your place to hang out, he would fall asleep but then wake up and apologize and walk home probably staying up late again.

A Few days later the circles finally went away him finally getting sleep but that's not what got you worried he was very jumpy you would go to pat his head and he would jump in fear it's like he was being abused but he lived alone all these new signs and jerks from the boy's body had gotten you worried.

"Goshiki are you okay? Maybe you should go see a doctor"

"Don't worry y/n I'm okay" Goshiki smiled and went back to the food you had made him.

You sighed and got an idea Goshiki always falls asleep when he's around you so will he be able to sleep better with you in his house?
"Hey Goshiki?"

"Yeah y/n?"

"Mind if I stay over at your place tonight?" You asked kindly

"No" he didn't want you to suffer like he has been

"Pleaseeee ill make you more of my yummy foood" you begged him till he finally gave in letting you stay the night.

Goshiki lead you in his home showing you around giving you the final result of unpacking and sone remodeling. His home was beautiful out of all the rooms you would say his kitchen was your favorite why because it was very roomy it had a lot of room, and the tile was a beautiful shad of gray. Once you two ate your food Goshiki insisted on cleaning up while you bathed in the shower you thought you heard some type of sound like the towel falling on the floor you didn't really think much of it, that maybe the towel had just fallen. But then you saw a shadow/

"Goshiki?" you question but then the shadow disappeared not to be seen again so you just ignored it and went on with your day.

once you were out of the bathroom wearing some sweats and a T shirt you looked around for Goshiki finding him setting up a futon for you.

"Hey, does anyone else live with you?" you ask, and he looked at you and smiled kindly with a tired expression.

"No, it's just me"

"oh" you said the both of you talked and laughed before you passed out in bed leaving the poor boy wide awake trembling.

You woke up to Goshiki freaking out shaking you.

"y-y-y/n" you looked at his freaked-out expression the boy you knew that he was the strongest is now weak freaking out made you sad, you hugged him and held him in your lap.

"what's wrong Goshiki" you comfort the boy that's shaking

"th-th-the k-K-Kitchen cabinets are shutting a-an-and a shadow walked by the door and th-th-then a-a loud growl i-im sc-scared"

you walked outside of the room and grabbed a flashlight and turned it on you could hear things moving around you jumped up when you felt something touch your back you turned around and saw a scared Goshiki holding on to your shirt.

"I didn't want to be alone" he said basically hugging you, now you have to wear your brave face the both of you walked throughout the house trying to find what was making all the noise and growls. You two walked into the spare room and saw a dark shadow. You both started screaming when the shadow got closer and closer to you until you heard a sound you shined your flashlight and the shadow and smiled.

"Goshiki look" you told him he only hid behind you shaking his head no 

"Goshiki trust me look" Goshiki gave in and popped his head out a little and saw a gray small dog wagging his tail.

"It was just a dog" Goshiki said and started laughing 

"Goshiki you, okay?" you asked 

"I LOST MY SLEEP OVER A DOG WHO LOOKS LIKE A BURNT TATER TOT" Goshiki picked up the dog and then fell in love he was soft and adorable.

"SINCE IM ALREADY IN THE MOOD, I FRICKING LIKE YOU Y/N!!!" Goshiki said stomping off with the dog to go to sleep.

You laughed and followed him behind


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