🍋Ushijima X Stressed boyfriend

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Requested by randomnamenottaken
Contains: massage, nipple play, blowjob, prostate massage,

Ushijima's POV

Day after day for two weeks the constant practice of spikes serves and even workout sessions tired the muscle of Ushijima the male has been working nonstop for two weeks his mind overwhelmed and stressed all he can think about at this point is his baby.

Now his boyfriend y/n has been working nonstop studying and working his job his current goal is to help his boyfriend in paying the bills just a little he feels bad having Ushijima paying for it all.

The two boys working hard one being a professional volleyball player while the other is studying to be a nurse. The time they get together is quite a lot for what they both are doing but these past two weeks have been hard for both.

"Ushijima!" "USHIJIMA!" The yells of the boy's coach "huh sorry coach" the small reaction from a loud voice "GET YOU HEAD OUT OF THE CLOUDS"
"Sorry sir" he calmly said, what he was thinking about was his baby boys at home, his beloved lover y/n, and their baby dog Shiba he misses them both dearly.

He had a three-hour break and during his break, he didn't want to leave his room. He just wanted to talk to his baby boy. Pulling out his phone he sees that he had a message from his loved one.

Baby ❤️: I think someone is missing his daddy see he's been sleeping on your pillow all day. We miss you.

The smile on ushijimas face was so pure and golden.

Ushijima🥰: I miss you both I can't wait to hold you in my arms I have been so stressed and pent up lately.

He was left on read then his phone rang the name baby❤️ popped up Ushijima was flustered he had to answer that phone call
"Ushi are you okay?! No no stressing okay don't stress you only have one more day then you can relax"

You were worried about your lover being stressed and this stressed you out even more.
"Y/n calm down I'm okay just miss you and Shiba so much"

"I know ushi we miss you too I'm in one of your hoodies right now hehe but hey how about this when you get back I'll give you a massage"

"That sounds amazing baby I really need one my shoulders are so tense"

"Good I will help you I'll plan out the day I'll make the house nice a cozy for you"

"Thank you baby will you be picking me up from the airport tomorrow?"

".....ushi baby you took your car and left it at the airport you get to wait for a little before you see me"

"I- I'm sorry I forgot this stress is getting to me"

"It's okay baby me and you both are stressed and I even think Shiba is stressed too being without his daddy is kinda taking a toll on him every night he sleeps on your side of the bed and if he hears and sound he rushes up next to me and growls"

"Awww he's protecting you y/n I told him to protect you while I'm gone"

"Really? Well when he takes naps he's always on your pillow but when he's awake he never leaves my side"

"Good he's doing what I asked but y/n I have to go baby boy I have two hours left of my break and I want to use that for some rest I'm sorry baby I want to talk more but I'm so tired"

"That's okay want me to sing you a song for you to sleep ?"

"Always baby"

You sang him the most calming beautiful song he has heard and felt like he was right next to you when he fell asleep.

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