☁️Kita x ADHD Male reader

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Contains: Life having Adhd, confession with jersey, toe wiggles, snuggles

Requested by:ashiyashusbandfr

Kita Shinsuke one of the school's smartest boys a good boy who follows the rules everyone wants to be with him you like everyone else has had your eye on him too, but you came to know that no one will like you and that he is way out of your league, so you minded your own business you didn't want him to hate you like the others. when you were 12 you were diagnosed with ADHD the other boys and girls in your grade backed off from you thinking it is some type of sickness that can spread. Growing up people always looked at you like you didn't know anything like your stupid but you're not you just have a hard time staying focused and still, so it causes you to not learn but focus more on what's for lunch.

during lunch you placed your earbuds in listening to your favorite song eating your food wiggling your feet happy as can be. You noticed almost the whole cafeteria was staring at you, but you didn't mind that's when you feel someone taking out one of your ear buds you look at who its was and blushed a little.

"Like I was saying but may I sit next to you?" Kita said smiling

"don't you want to sit with the populark no people then with a loner like me it will make you look bad" you told him.

" And so, what if it does, I want to sit here with you" Kita told

Kitas pov

My Name is Kita Shinsuke I'm on the volleyball team I always get straight A's on every test and quiz. People are really fond of me, and I don't know why. But for over three years my eyes keep wondering to this one boy, every time I look at him my heart beats out of my chest, and it makes me worried maybe I'm sick knowing I am I'm lovesick this boy makes me go crazy.

As I walk into the cafeteria all eyes go to me, as I'm walking my eyes once more led me to this boy once again and then my body started moving too before I knew it I was right next to the boy watching him wiggle his feet as he listens to his music.

"Hey, may I sit next to you?" I didn't get a respond at all, so I reached out a pulled an earbud out of his ear. He looked at me and I tried to not blush at his beautiful e/c eyes.

"Like I was saying may I sit next to you?" he replied and it kind of broke my heart a little, but I ended up sitting next to him.

as the day went on my mind was only thinking of one thing, y/n during practice Kita walked up to Oran and Atsumu.

"Hey Kita-san" Atsumu said smiling

"Hey Kita"

"Guys I need help"

the two boys listen as Kita explained what was going on with his body and feelings.

"Kita you have a crush" Oran said.

"I do?"

"yes" Atsumu said

"I do huh"

"So, Kita-san when you going to ask him out?" Atsumu smirked

"I don't know how to?"

"Why don't you just walk up to him and ask?"

"No, I don't want to do it like that I kind of want everyone to know" Kita said shocking himself.

"Hey, we have a game tomorrow why don't you ask him to wear your Jersey? during lunch" Atsumu suggested

"That sounds like a good idea" Kita said going back to practice.


Today is the day Kita waking up made sure he looked really good he grabbed his jersey as he walked out the house. I walk into the school and head to class and blushed seeing y/n looking out the window then hearing people he looked over at the door where i am and he smiled at me and waved wiggling his feet I can tell he is a little odd, but I love it.

Finally, the classes are over, and its lunch time Kita was both nervous and scared to see what you would say but Kita did it anyways, he walked into the cafeteria and looks around he finds you and you look at him wiggling your feet happy he walked over to you, and you took out your earbuds.

"Hellooo Kita-san"

"Hello y/n" he smiled patting your head causing you to blush

"Today y/n we have a volleyball game and I want you their cheering for me so will you wear my jersey?" Kita said holding out his jersey. You looked at him and smiled big you grabbed his hand and kissed him in front of everyone in the cafeteria.

"Yes, I'll wear your jersey "he smiled big as the cafeteria watched you two some depressed about it while others happy for Kita.

"Then I'm happy" Kita smiled big

As the day went on you couldn't stop smiling big who would have thought that the man you have gave up on asked you out. And on top of it he wants you to go to his volleyball game you never have been to any game before because you didn't want people to think that you are weird, but now you have a reason to go.


"sooo did you do it kita-san" Atsumu asked


"Where is he now, he said yes right?"

"Yes, he did, and I don't know" Kita was getting worried because he couldn't see you anywhere when the game started Kita sat on the bench waiting for the team to get off balance and when Atsumu had yelled at a fan girl for screaming his name during his serve Kita was subbed in.

"Kita you got this dude breath y/n will show up" Suna told him trying to help Kita breath it helped but not really.

It was Kitas turn to serve as he threw the ball in the air a loud yell was heard throughout the whole gym.

"KITA YOU GOT THIS!!!" you yelled you watched the tense boy calm down and breath hitting the ball for the others to receive.

As the game keep moving the team ended up losing to Karasuno making everyone sad and motionless you being you ran down and tackled Kita making him fall on the floor.

"YOU DID AMAZING!!" you said with a glow in your eyes, he looks at you and starts crying sad for the team's defeat.

"Kita don't cry you said smiling" you hugged him as the team watched you to on the floor hugging.

"But we didn't win"

"And? Kita you guys did amazing" you didn't know how to help cheer them up, but they all saw you trying.



"Will you come to my home with me?" he asked

"Yes, ID LOVE TOO" you said wiggling your feet.

When the two went home Kita opened the door for you to walk, he led you to his bedroom and he threw himself on his bed.

"Wow Kita your room is so clean" Kita chuckled a little and patted the bed

"Sit" you sat on the bed you then felt a arm wrap around your waist and pulled you down

"Kitaaaaa" you said laughing as he was the one that pulled you down your head on his chest and his nose is in your hair. You smiled and started talking about random things he watched as you talked, your feet would wiggle, and he only smiled bigger.

"Kita?" he snapped out of his daze and looked at you.

"Yes" you looked at him and wrapped your arms around his neck. He knew what you wanted he leaned down and kissed you, you kissed back and smiled.

"Thank you, y/n, for trying to cheer me up" he told you as you smiled and wiggled around.

"Anything to make you smile Kita" you told him and snuggled back into his chest hearing his heartbeat.

Haikyuu x male readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ