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Sunday I stayed inside most of the day because it rained and I can't do much in the rain.

At lunch on Monday I sit down next to Two-Bit and Ponyboy. I sit in front of Two-Bit with no one next to me.

"I heard that the Socs are getting angry in Westside." Two-Bit says eating his grilled cheese sandwich.

"Really? What do you-" I start to say but then someone walks up to the table. I turn my head and see a greaser girl walk up. Her curly caramel brown hair is put up in a ponytail. Her cheeks are a little rosy and her eyes are hazel.

She walks to our table and looks at me and Two-Bit then turns to Ponyboy. "Mind if I sit here?" She asks.

Ponyboy blushes slightly and Two-Bit answers. "Sure."

"Hey Cassie." Ponyboy says softly.

Now it's Cassie's turn to blush. "Am I interrupting something? I'm sorry I-"

"No. Your fine. We've just never had someone else sit here." I say with a smile. "You guys know each other?"

"Cassie is my friend." Ponyboy says giving the girl a smile.

I wonder if they are friends or a little more by the way they talk to each other. But I won't bring that up here.

We talk with Cassie and get to know her. She actually is pretty cool, she is fourteen years old. The same age as Ponyboy. She is smart and makes good grades and really kind and outgoing. Ponyboy and her met and started hanging out together two or three weeks ago.

When school ends I am walking out of the school and see Cassie. I run up to her.

"Hey Cassie!" I say. "Wanna walk home together?"

She smiles. "Sure."

We start walking the route to Eastside homes.

"How long have you known Ponyboy?" I ask her.

She looks down at her clasped hands. "I have known who he was for as long as I can remember. But we have started talking a few weeks ago."

"So you have noticed him for a while?" I say smirking.

She blushes. "I guess I might have."

"So... Do you like him?" My smirk widens.

"Maybe." She says looking down.

"Ooh." I say.

"But you can't tell him." Her voice went from shy and nervous to stern.

I smile and place a hand over my heart. "I promise."

It was nice talking to another girl for once even if I was two years older. But she didn't make fun of me or call me names. She thought I was cool.

"So what about you?" She asks after a minute or two of talking. "Do you like Two-Bit? Or do you have a boyfriend? Or do you like someone else?"

I was startled by the question and laugh at the first part of it. "You think... Me and Two-Bit are dating? No, no we are not." I take a deep breath. "We are friends. And I do not have a boyfriend." I say.

"Okay... But do you like anyone?" She asks.

I blink, I don't think I like anyone. I only know the gang, but there is... No. "I don't like anyone currently." I say sounding more sure than I truthfully felt.

We continue walking and we get to the main division of streets.

"Where do you go?" I ask.

She points down the street a few blocks away from where I live.

"Well we can walk together for a bit more then we have to break away." I say as we continue walking.

As we walk down the street I see a familiar figure walking our way. As the person gets closer I realize it's Steve.

"Hey Steve." I say as he walks up to us.

"Hey Jules." He looks at Cassie and then to me raising an eyebrow.

"This is Cassie. Her and Ponyboy are friends." I say winking at Cassie as Steve looks behind him.

"Nice to meet you." He says shaking her hand with a lopsided smile taking over his face. "We are hanging out at Two-Bit's place today. You and Cassie can come. Just go to Soda, Ponyboy, and Darry's place and they will walk with you."

"Okay, thanks Steve." I say as he gives my shoulder a pat and continues walking in the direction we came from.

We keep walking and I show Cassie where the Curtis's house is so she knows where to go.

"And if you can't remember where just go down there to my house." I say pointing farther down the street.

She smiles and we bid goodbye as we go our separate ways.

I go to my house and freshen myself up a bit by brushing my hair and washing my face with water. When I am done I head out my house and walk to Ponyboy's house.

I don't see any sign of Cassie on the way so I just go to their house and knock on the door.

Soda answers the door and my heart skips a beat for a second. I suppose I had expected Darry to open the door. But I smile at the boy.

"Steve said to come here so that you guys could walk us to Two-Bit's house." I say.

"You could just walk in. None of us ever really knock on each other's door." He says giving me a sideways grin.

"What if I walk in on something private?" I ask as he opens the door wider.

"Then we can laugh about it later." He says cheerfully.

I laugh and shake my head as I walk in and flop down on their couch next to Ponyboy.

"Cassie is coming later to come with us to Two-Bit's house." I say.

"Who's Cassie?" Sodapop asks sitting in a chair next to the couch.

"She's this girl that is friends with Ponyboy." I say.

"Ooh. A friend of Ponyboy's? This'll be interesting." Sodapop says as Darry walks in pulling on a shirt. I looked away from him but Soda and Ponyboy don't react.

There is a knock at the door and Soda winks at Ponyboy as he jumps up to the door.

Soda opens the door and grins at Cassie saying a quick hello as she came in. I move to the left more and Cassie sits on the couch in between me and Ponyboy.

"Ready?" Darry asks.

We all nod and say yes and we head out starting our walk. Ponyboy and Cassie walk side by side and I smile, feeling a surge of giddiness. They would be a really cute couple. I hope Ponyboy likes her back.

Soda pushes me with his shoulder softly. "Why are you smiling like that?" He asks with a grin.

I jerk my head in their direction and say quietly. "They would be cute together."

Sodapop looks at them amused and whispers back. "You think there is a chance?"

"She already told me she likes him. But I had to promise I won't tell him and you better not either." I whisper.

"I won't. We'll see how tonight goes and then see what is between them" He says.

I nod with a grin and we continue walking all the way to Two-Bit's door.

Be My Greaser ✨Sodapop Curtis✨Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang