The Barbeque

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The Curtis boys were having a barbeque at their house on Saturday. So after I wake up I get dressed into jeans a shirt and a pullover.

My parents are still sleeping when I leave the house but I noticed the lack of beer bottles on the counter and couch and smile feeling the scary feeling of hope in my chest blossoming.

I walk to their house and it's an hour or so before lunch time but they are already out there sitting down at a makeshift table. It was broken and splintered obvious that it was stolen from someone's dumpster or junkyard. But nonetheless Ponyboy, Soda, Darry, Steve, and Grace sit there. Cassie and Two still has to arrive, Cassie is probably sleeping in.

As Grace spots me she runs over and gives me a high five and we walk back to the table and I sit next to her. A few smiling faces greet me and we start talking and laughing.

Cassie and Two-bit arrive around the same time and Ponyboy meets her and wraps and arm around her and they sit down with Cassie next to me. Two sits next to Soda across from me.

Two starts explaining a story where he was on the roof of the gas station and dropped Soda onto Socs heads.

At this Soda looks at him scared, "You dropped me onto random people?!"

"Yep, and I'll do it again!" Two-bit exclaims standing up and picking up Soda bridal style. We all laugh and Soda rolls out of his arms and starts wrestling Two to the ground rolling around in the dirt.

"Now come on Soda, already getting dirty and we haven't even eaten yet!" Darry yells and the boy laying on the ground. Two ruffles Sodas hair as Soda glares and they make their way back to the table.

Darry leaves and goes into the house, a minute later coming out with the apron Soda wore when he cooked me breakfast.
Steve and Two wolf whistle as Darry sets burger meat onto the grill with a loud sizzle.

We talk at the table and listen to Twos crazy stories and jokes. We joke about the food taking forever and that we will starve to death before it is done.

Grace leaves to go to her house and grab some lights that she thought would add a nice touch to the barbeque.

Darry finishes the burgers on the grill and we all get up to start eating. We puts the burger onto the bread in a paper plate and sit back down. I bite into the burger and it tastes wonderful.

"Darry you could start a business off of your burgers alone." Soda says biting back into the burger. There were murders of agreement throughout the table but everyone was too busy eating to reply.

Grace still isn't back for another twenty minutes and I start to worry. Everyone was almost finished eating and she still was gone.

"I'm going to go check on Grace," I say standing up.

"I'll come with you," Steve says with a worried expression.

I don't refuse and we start the walk to her house.

"I hope she's okay. Your house isn't that far away, she should've been back half an hour ago." I say, Steve only nodding in response.

After a moment he says, "if anyone hurts her I'm gonna kill them."

"I'll hand you the blade." I say and Steve looks over at me with a surprised grin.

We continue walking and as we round the corner to Steve's house I tense up and brace myself for anything if something has happened.

But instead I smile at what I see.

Grace is standing there holding the lights she said she was going to grab talking to a boy. He was tall with light brown hair and a dimple I could see from here. Her face was flushed and he was standing close to her almost looking directly down.

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