The dance

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The week drags on agonizingly slowly. Everyone in school was buzzing about the dance on Friday. People were doing proposals and getting flowers and the excitement levels were high. By the time Friday came everyone was ready.

Cassie and Pony are going together and Robert asked Grace to go with him. Two was going with some random girl but he said he'd probably hang out with us more than her.

After school we went are separate ways planning to meet up at the Curtis house twenty minutes before the dance.

I went home and brushed my hair, washed my face and put in my dress. I fixed my hair into a half up still with a red ribbon.

I put on the red dress and look at myself in the mirror. It shows my figure at the top but the flower print grabs the attention. And the skirt has a solid maroon layer underneath a maroon flower print that is lacey and see through. I pinch my cheeks to give them color and put on ankle high light brown boots.

I practice dancing and twirl around to get comfortable in the dress. I lose track of time and I leave in a rush slipping out of the house silently. The sky rumbles overhead and I see a gray stormcloud overhead rolling in.

I make it to the Curtis house a few minutes later than we said. As I walk into the front yard the front door of their house opens and soda appears wearing a blue button up shirt with jeans, he looks very handsome and my breath catches in my throat, and I hate the heat I feel creep onto my face. He looks up at me when he notices me there and his mouths opens slightly then forms into a wide smile.

"I was just coming to get you, we were scared we'd have to go with out you." He says and sticks out a hand. I walk to him and take it and we head inside.

Everyone in the house looks great Ponyboy wearing a white button up shirts and jeans, and Cassie wearing her blue dress and her hair fixed with a golden piece of jewelry, Grace in her rose gold dress standing next to Robert in his matching black shirt and pants. Two in his red shirt and the girl he's going with in a black dress with a slit in the side. Steve has on a grey shirt and black pants and Darry has on a tight black fitted t shirt and his usual jeans.

We excitedly leave the house and walk to the dance no doubt drawing attention from anyone nearby. Greasers hardly ever dressed up.

The sun is almost sitting on the horizon when we arrive and entire the room. The bleachers to the gym are open only on one side and in the middle of the gym streamers cascade from the ceiling and white lights flash across the room. There is a radio blasting music near the center of the room and tons of kids dance around in dresses and button up shirts.

We enter and immediately head to the dance floor.

It starts off with line dances and we all dance side by side to it occasionally bumping into one another. They play pop music which I never really listen to so I dance off beat and crazily just to move to the song. Two dances with me in a crazy mess and I laugh because he makes funny face while he dances. By the end of the fifth song I already feel sweat glistening on my forehead. I wipe it away with my hand.

Elvis turns on and a few whoops are heard from kids in the gym. The gang really loves Elvis.

We dance around and laugh as people look at us weird or we accidentally step on someone. My hair flies around me as I twirl just because I like how the dress flows out.

After the song ends it slows down and it's a slow dance. I feel slight panic when the song comes on not knowing what I was going to do because I don't really have a dance date. I watch Grace wrap he arms around Roberts neck and watch as Cassie does the same with Ponyboy. I look over at Two and his date is pressed up against him with her head on his shoulder. I decide to just sit on bleachers when I feel a soft hand grab my shoulder.

I turn around and see Soda. I don't know if I can handle dancing with him. Even though I want to. He extends a hand and I take it despite the protests of my racing heart.

He draws me in with a small smile looking down at me. He places a hand on my waist and I suck in a breath suddenly very conscious of every spot where our skin touches each other. I lift my head to where it is inches away from his. He grabs my other hand in his and places it on his shoulder. My heart is racing and I know my face is flushed. I love being here in this moment but I also feel an intense fear.

Of what, I don't know.

He takes the lead and I follow his steps. I worry he feels my racing heart. Or the shallow breaths I am taking as if I forgot how to breath.

"Don't worry, just act natural, I'm here with you " he whispers into my ear sending shocks down my body when his hot breath makes contact with my skin.

We dance across the floor and I feel any feeling other than feeling free fade away. Everyone else disappears in the world other than me and him. I can't help remembering Two-bits party where we danced.

"Remember the first time we danced? We were trying to get Cassie and Pony together." I recall and Soda smiles as he remembers.

"Operation Possie was a total success." I laugh and accidentally step on his foot and I laugh some more.

"I can't help comparing how different we are from that moment." I say and I stare into his eyes and as if it was possible my heartbeat quickens even more. I feel everything still in the world and feel the tension between us. Soda leans down towards me slightly and the song ends and everyone around us starts breaking apart. Soda clears his throat and grins at me but it seems distant.

I'm still recovering from dancing with him and my heartbeat starts slowing down. I wanted to kiss him. I thought he was going to kiss me. But he didn't. Maybe it's from the song ending. I can't help feeling like it was something more.

We stay at the dance dancing together and laughing. Me and Soda don't go near each other for the rest of the dance and by the time it's done we all are tired and ready to go home.

We are still in a adrenaline high as we walk home together in a group laughing and talking loudly.

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