Hanging Out

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We all went back to the Curtis's house and hung out there to eat dinner. Along the way Cassie, Grace, and I walked side by side.

"So what happened?" I exclaim nudging her.

"We went outside to talk and he picked me a flower and he told me that he had liked me for a long time now but never thought I noticed him and I told him that I had liked him since forever and never thought he would notice me. He told me that he has always liked me and then he kissed me." Cassie says excitedly.

"Yay!" I exclaim.

"Ok so are y'all dating now?" Grace asks grinning.

"We haven't discussed anything like that we only just had our first kiss." Cassie says.

We continue walking and push Cassie over to Ponyboy and they both talk and smile at each other.

When we get to the the Curtis's house we decide to hang out and eat dinner then walk home.

Darry made spaghetti and while it cooked we all sat in the living room and watched TV. Ponyboy sat with his arm around Cassie and Grace sat next to them. I sat on the ground next to Soda and Soda sat next to Steve. And Two sat on a chair. We watched a movie and halfway through dinner was ready. We all grabbed a bowl of spaghetti and ate in the living room as we continue watching. When we were done with dinner we set the bowls down to the side and just watched the movie.

Cassie ended up falling asleep laying on Ponyboy. I laid my head back on the couch and closed my eyes. I was tired and hope to fall asleep. As my eyes started to close slowly I feel breath on my ear.

"Your neck will hurt like that if you fall asleep." I don't open my eyes but I know that it was Sodapop whispering in my ear.

"I don't care, I am tired." I mumble keeping my eyes closed.

I hear movement and then I hear Soda whisper in my ear again.

"You can lay your head on this pillow," I open my eyes slightly and Soda places the pillow on the ground and I lay down sideways to lay my head on it.

I felt my eyes get heavy and close only moments after laying down on the pillow.

***Thirty minutes later***

I open my eyes and wake up from my nap and see that the movie is over. Darry and Grace are picking up the mess from after dinner.

I look over and see that me and Soda are holding hands. I draw my hand back from his and feel my face get hot. I hope I didn't grab his hand in my sleep.

Soda looks over at me and notices I'm awake.

"Mornin' sunshine, sleep well?" He asks teasingly.

"There is no sleeping well on a floor." I say and rub my eyes.

I stand up and put the pillow back where it came from and everyone starts getting up to go home.

Everyone goes outside to walk home. The Curtis's could have stayed but they decided they would walk each other home. Steve and Grace lived the farthest away and they ended up walking home together. And Ponyboy offered to walk Cassie home because she lives in the opposite direction. The rest of us walked to Two-Bit's house with him.

"I beat you guys at bowling" Darry teases proudly and ruffles Soda's hair.

Soda swats him away playfully.

"I lost to you by two points. I will beat you next time," I say with a laugh.

"Jules, you actually did pretty good for your first time bowling," Two-Bit says.

"What can I say, I'm a natural," I joke with a shrug.

"Totally..." Two-Bit replies sarcastically.

I scoff jokingly and reply, "Your just mad that you lost to me."

"I'm not mad," Two-Bit says pouring his lip and everyone laughs.

When we get to Two-Bit's house he slaps Darry's hand and goes back inside with one last joke.

We start to walk back and when we get to the Curtis's house Darry gives Soda a pat on the back and goes inside.

Me and Soda walk the rest of the way to my house laughing and talking. When we get to my house I look at Soda and sigh.

"I wish I could just stay with you and the gang forever." I say.

"You sure about that? We are some crazy and irritating people." Soda says jokingly.

"True, but I still-" I was going to say I still love them, but I have never told anyone I love them other than my parents when I was little. "Really enjoy hanging out with you guys."

Soda narrows his eyes but doesn't say anything.

"Well if things are bad here our couch is always available." He says with a kind smile.

"Thank you," I say and give him a hug. I don't leave the hug for a while and Soda rests his chin on my head and rubs my back.

"I hate it here," I whisper.

"I know, but in a few years you can move away from here. And-" Soda starts to say something but takes a nervous breath and brakes away from the hug, "maybe if you would like to you could move into our house. We have another mattress and we could set it up so you could sleep-"

"Soda that sounds wonderful. But I would never ask that of you guys." I say with a wide smile.

"You wouldn't have to," Soda says.

I turn around and start to walk up to my house.

"Goodnight Jules," He says and I can tell he is smiling even though I am not looking at him.

"Goodnight Soda." I say and look back once before going inside. Soda was standing there looking up at me with his hands in his pockets and a smile on his face.

I close the door before he sees my smile. I go to my room quietly so that I don't wake up my parents and after getting ready I go to bed.

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