The Weekend

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The next three days went by quickly with the same agenda. I went to school sat with Ponyboy and Two-Bit during lunch. Then went home and layed down.

On Friday during lunch I sat with Ponyboy and Two-Bit and we discussed the weekend.

"So Jules." Two-Bit says looking at me from over his apple in his hand. "We were thinking, and you wanna hang out this weekend with the gang?"

I would love to do that but I had to answer Cooley.

"I don't have anything better to do. So I would love to." I say.

"Great." Ponyboy says a grin creeping up on his face."Hope you know how to play football."

"Football? I used to play when I was younger. Hope you know how to lose." I say with a smirk.

I went home after school that day walking my usual route. As I walked by the DX I saw a blur of someone running up to me then Sodapop was there.

"Hey Soda," I say looking at the boy. He had a mark of car grease on his face and his hair was ruffled with his cheeks flushed from the cold. It was oddly attractive.

"Hey Jules." Soda says with a crazy grin. "Got off work early today. Don't mind if I walk home with you?"

"I suppose you can." I say grinning back.

I continued walking my route home, now with Soda beside me.

"What is it like working at the DX?" I ask as I look back at the gas station.

"Eh, I like cars. I know a lot about them. Socs come with their fancy cars and I get to fix them up. It's real fun actually. Way better than school would be." He explains.

"Don't you want to go to school if you could?" I ask.

"I don't know. I never liked school. I am dumb anyways, I never did good in it. But I don't mind working at the DX." Soda says taking a second to look at me.

I thought about it for a second. It would be pretty cool if Soda went to school with me. It might be more fun. But I wouldn't bring that up.

We walked to rest of the way laughing and talking.

When we got to his house and we had to go our separate ways, I felt a reluctance to leave. I wanted to stay and talk with Soda and the gang. I reminded myself that I will see them tomorrow.

"Goodnight Jules," Soda calls as I walk down the street.

I turn around and smile at him as I walk backward. "Goodnight Soda."

I run back the rest of the way and go into my house and into my room. I fell asleep quickly when I went to bed.


I wake up the next morning and look out the window to see the sunrising. I rub my eyes and get dressed in black pants and a black tank top with a jean jacket over it.

I go into the bathroom and brush my curly hair making it slightly frizzy.

I look at myself in the mirror. My curly blond hair is put halfway up in a ponytail and my cheeks are still red from just waking up. My clothes are tight around me and my boots are rough. I sigh, I wish sometimes that I had clothes like the Socs. But things are what they are.

I walk out the door and head over to the Curtis's house.

The door is already open when I arrive and Soda and Steve roll out onto the porch. Soda rolls over and pins Steve to the ground with his elbows.

Steve struggles to get free then realized he won't be able to so he relaxes. They both start laughing. They both stand up and I clear my throat with a smile.

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