Meeting the Gang

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I walked alongside the road feeling the wind on my face and smelling the smell of exhaust from a car. The sun was bright and burning my skin but the weather was cool and made me want to shiver. It is a funny thing ain't it?

I knew I shouldn't be walking alone on the street. But I was mad. I ran into some Soc girls at school earlier. They came to to me in their preppy and fashionable clothes and tugged at my hair calling me greaser.

"Ew, she even smells like dirt." One girl with curly brown hair said giggling.

"It's cause she is," the other girl with dirty blond hair in a tight blue skirt said with a sneer. "Filthy... Little... Trash... I bet she sleeps in a dumpster. With her nasty, trashy family too. You know, if she has a family." The blue skirt girl said while circling me.

I kept me head down but my teeth were gritted and my hand was in a fist.

"Leave me alone." I lifted my head up and put my hands halfway into my pocket. The change in my position clearly made me look tougher because the girl stopped circling me and stepped back, but didn't lose her sneer.

"Or what?" The brown hair girl laughed. "You going to make me?" She spoke in a child like voice.

I looked her dead in the eyes and curled the corner of my mouth upward. "If that's what you want."

She scoffed and looked at her friend to laugh. They shoved me against a locker.

I raised my fist to punch her and would have but the bell rang and students walked in front of me. I took the chance to run.

I would have loved to beat her up, but greasers don't always get the best side of the punishment if we get caught.

I walked out of school and didn't even bother to find someone to walk home with. I wasn't in the mood for people.

I ran a few blocks until I was starting to sweat despite the cold then started to walk.

I look around and see that I am getting closer to home. The pavement turned a corner and I was walking close to the local DX. The city's local gas station.

I keep walking and get to the first few houses in Eastside. The poorer part of the city. Where the greasers live. Greasers are poor and are known as the city's hoods. We rob stores and get into fights and have run down houses. Then the Socs are the upper class westside rulers. They wear nice clothes and have a lot of money. They live in fancy homes and are "an important asset to society." But they are cruel. They fight with guns and knifes they get into trouble but the difference between them and us is that they can get out of trouble, and we can't.

Socs find fun in hurting people so they tend to drive around and jump people. It is never safe where I live.

I turn and corner and I am only a few blocks from my home when I hear the tires and smell the car.

I tense up and look around. Sure enough, a red convertible comes around the corner and stops next to me. If I run they best me up worse. So I try to turn away and look invisible but it's the same girls, and their friends, from earlier. There is no getting out of this one.

I breathe in and continue walking smaller steps. I hear the car doors open and see people get out.

The two girls and their three friends step in front of me.

Five against one, I start to panic, there is no way I could beat them. I am tense but I slouch and put my hands in my pocket. Greasers can look tough if they try.

"Aww, you thought you could get away us that easy, greasy? That's funny." The blue skirt girl sneers.

"Aww, you think I care?" I say. I was scared but if I was going to go down, I would go down with my head held high.

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