In the Rain

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We make plans to hang out at the Curtis house for a while.

Twos date goes home and it didn't seem like she was too happy. I guess she wanted more attention and dancing with him.

Darry orders pizza and we devour it down when it arrives. It started to drizzle outside and I was worried for the dresses safety. Cassie, Steve, and Grace leave. Two decides he is staying the night there. I head outside and Soda follows me out.

He closes the door behind him and looks down at me.

"Thanks for being my dance partner tonight." He says and I smile though I still feel a knot of worry in my gut. "I had a really good time."

"Me too. I can't wait for the next dance to happen." I didn't know if it would be next year or another one later in the year.

I look up and notice the lights that Grace and I put up yesterday. They cast a yellow glow onto Sodas face and hair making him look breathtakingly handsome.

We looked at each other for a moment almost as if we were waiting for what the other one was going to do. I hear the rain start to pour down next to us but we stay dry under the roof. Then there's that moment again of tension as he leans in towards me. I lean in to him to and as if he is realizing what is happening he turns his head the other way.

I look down as if he'd slapped me. It was obvious he didn't like me back like that. He probably thought of me light a sister. The thought hurt my heart more than I could bear. I turn and see Pony watching through the window and feel embarrassed and ashamed all at once. I turn to Soda and see him draw back and I hope he sees the hurt on my face. But I don't even want it to hurt him.

I care too much.

I turn away from him into the rain and take off at a run as fast as I can go in the heeled boots I am wearing. My house has never seemed so far away. I keep running and feel tears well in my eyes.

I'm so stupid. Why would I even take that chance? I was so scared our friendship would be ruined if I like him and I never let anything happen between us. But in the end I screwed up. I didn't have any guard up and I got hurt. Its my fault. Why did I think he would like me more than a friend? I didn't think, I hoped.

I hear my name shouted behind me and ignore it. Then I hear the pounding of feet in  puddles and rain. And I am grabbed and turned around.

Soda stands there with his mouth open drenched in rain with his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I panicked and didn't know what to do." He says.

"It's okay, message loud and clear. I'll stay away from you, I obviously had the wrong idea." I say.

"No, no. I- I, please don't." Soda says his eyes shining.

"Soda your my friend I get it, I don't want anything between us destroyed." I say.

He flinches back and I feel quilt.

"I'm just scared to let someone in again. It seems that people usually get hurt around me. My parents, Dally, Johnny, they all died. Pony is not how he was and I don't think he ever will be and Darry had to grow up too fast." Soda says his eyes pleading. "And then Sandy left."

"Soda none of that was your fault. But if you actually cared for me that wouldn't matter." I say letting the truth sink in. "I'm probably just a quick crush that fades away for you. But I can't handle being that so let me go."

"But-" he says every once of hurt I have ever seen in his eyes.

"Soda" I say freeing the tears and the fall down my face. "I can't do that when I know that I love you. I love you more than anything else in this world."

"Julia," he says expelling a breath. "You are what I think of first in the morning. You are the last thought of mine before the night. You're in my dreams and you are who I envision my entire future with. Every moment without you is boring and agony. I always want to be with you and I love every single thing about you, from your head to your toes and every part of your personality. I love everything about you. I love you."

I wrap my arms around his neck and into his hair and pull his head down crashing it into mine. Our lips interlock and he grabs the back of my thighs and pulls me closer to him. We get lost in the kiss and stay for moments saying everything that we wanted and needed to say.

It spoke of being together forever and always helping and loving each other.

We broke apart to catch our breath and my heart expanded in such feelings of love. I never wanted to leave this moment ever. We have come so far just to get here. But every moment was worth it. I look at him from his flushed cheeks to his soaked clothes sticking to his body and the wet hair dripping water.

He pulls me back in for a shorter kiss and then brings me home with his arms wrapped around my shoulders. I leaned into him as we walked. In these moments every dream of mine has come true.

When we get to the front door I step up and step to where I am taller than him and lift him face from his chin up to mine and kiss him again but as we break apart we linger as it ends and still lean in not wanting it to end.

I cup his face in my hands. "Goodnight Soda, I love you." Every time I say it it feels good.

"Goodnight Jules, I love you more." He wasn't smiling but his eyes held such love a smile would almost ruin it. I walk away from him each step harder than the next but I walk through the door and close it behind me. I dry off and lay in bed my mind racing of everything that happened today.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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