Two-Bit's House

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Darry opened the door and the group followed in going into the house.

Two-Bit and Steve were already there and they were talking and laughing and occasionally pushing the other. Two-Bit's mom wasn't in the room. They turned to us as we walked in and grinned at us.

"Hey guys." Two-Bit says gesturing dramatically. "Welcome to my home."

Steve pushes his head down and Two-Bit shoves him.

We sat on the couch and watched TV and they ordered pizza. Soda and Steve hung out in a corner but Soda would lock eyes with me every once in a while and jerk his head toward Ponyboy and Cassie then wink. Darry sat in a chair talking to Two-Bit and I sat on the couch with Ponyboy and Cassie.

"Let's play a game shall we?" I say loudly to the room.

Two-Bit looks over with a wide grin. "What kinda game you thinkin'?" He asks.

"How about... Truth or dare?" I suggest. "You pick between answering a question truthfully or having to do a dare that someone else chooses for you."

Soda and Steve walk over interested and we all sit around in a circle, some on the floor some in a chair.

"Okay I will start off by asking someone something." I say as I look over at Two-Bit and turn the corner of my mouth upward. "Two-Bit, truth or dare?" I ask.

"Dare." Two-Bit says grinning crazily.

"I... Dare... You to..." I stall looking around the room for ideas and then I hear the pizza man's footsteps on the front porch. "I dare you to grab the pizza from the delivery man and to hug it then give the delivery man a kiss on the cheek, proclaiming your love for pizza."

"What is it, Tuesday?" Two-Bit says laughing  and standing up as the delivery man knocks on the door.

Two-Bit opens the door and grabs the pizza from the man and hugs it carefully as to not hurt the pizza, then he sets it on the ground in the house and takes the delivery man's face into his hands and gives him a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

He hands him the money and runs inside yelling, "I LOVE PIZZA!"

The delivery man looks embarrassed and very confused and takes his money and runs to his car and drives quickly away.

The group bursts into laughter, I laughed so hard my stomach started to hurt and I was out of breath. When everyone finished laughing we all sat smiling at the circle.

Everyone starts grabbing slices of pizza and eating it over a paper towel as we sit back down to continue the game.

"Ok Two-Bit your turn, ask someone truth or dare." I say.

Two-Bit scans the circle then his eyes land on Darry. "Hey Darry, truth or dare?" He asks.

"Truth." Darry says calmly with a smile tugging on his face.

"Is it true that... You bottle feed Ponyboy and make him wear his helmet and arm pads when going outside?" Two-Bit says laughing with a grin.

Darry shoved Two-Bit and they wrestle with Darry pinning Two-Bit to the ground in the end.

"That is not true. I do what is best for my kid brother." Darry says and ruffles Ponyboy's blondish-brownish hair. But I could tell that from the care in Darry's eyes that Darry loves him.

"Ok Darry your turn." I say.

He looks around the circle. "Steve, truth or dare?" He asks.

"Dare." Steve replies.

"I dare you to do a summersault over Sodapop." Darry says.

Steve shrugs and Soda sits in the middle of the room. Steve gets a few steps in a running start and does a clean summersault over Soda and bows when he is done.

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