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I walked the rest of the way home and opened the door to my house. "Hello Jules!" My mom calls the moment I enter.

"My name is Julia" I say trying to make a break for it to my room.

I hear my mother sigh as I try to walk away.

"Julia, will you tell your father that he should get up and go to the store tomorrow?" My mother asks falsely cheerily.

"Dad, you should go to the store tomorrow." I say quickly and try to walk to my room again.

"Julia will you tell your mother to stop trying to control my life." My father says angrily.

"Mom, stop trying to control Dad's life." I say and this time make it to my rooms door.

I quickly go inside and close the door as my parents continue to argue.

I lay in bed and try to sleep while ignoring the yelling.

****The next Day****

Saturday I woke up and got dressed into tight jeans and a red and blue plaid shirt with a black under tank top. I quickly brushed my hair and went to the Curtis's house.

I remember Soda saying to just walk in so I open the door and walk into their house. No one is around so they probably are asleep. I sit on the couch and grab a blanket off the top of the couch and lay down. I close my eyes and try to rest while they are asleep.

I keep my eyes closed and a few minutes later I feel someone tao my shoulder.

I open my eyes and see Soda's bright blue eyes staring back at me.

"Mornin' Jules." Soda says with a smile. "Did you sleep here?"

"No, I came here a few minutes ago and you guys were asleep." I say sitting up and putting my shoes on.

"Ponyboy is still asleep and Darry is probably getting dressed right now. Want me to make you breakfast?" He says.

"You'd do that?" I ask no one has ever made me breakfast before. My parents always just told me to eat something packaged or make it myself.

"Of course, have you never-" Soda breaks off looking at me as I shake my head. "Well you are about to have the best eggs in your life."

"Is that so?" I ask. "You know I know how to make eggs and if I do say so myself my eggs are pretty fantastic." I say smugly with a grin.

"Just you wait" Soda says grabbing an egg cartoon from the fridge.

Sodapop puts on an apron from a hook in the kitchen and I laugh.

"What you don't like my apron?" Soda asks spinning around for me to see the apron clearly.

"Noooo, I think the blue on the apron brings out your eyes." I say trying and failing to contain my laugh as he batts his eyes at me and puts a dramatic hand to his mouth.

"I like my apron" Soda says turning back to the eggs as he starts cracking them and putting them into a bowl.

Soda starts to whisk the eggs and put salt and pepper into the eggs. Darry then walks in still buttoning up his shirt the rest of the way.

"Hey Jules" Darry says grabbing the coffee maker and putting coffee grinds into it.

"Hey Darry," I say with a yawn.

"Oh dear, is Soda making you eggs?" Darry says.

"Yes he is" Soda says turning around with a mischievous smile.

"Good luck" Darry says and he ruffles Soda's head.

Darry walks out to go get Pony and I just watch as Soda makes the eggs. When they are done he grabs me a plate and sits me down at the table. He puts some eggs on my plate and the grabs me a fork. And before I can start eating he crouches down and covers the eggs with grape jelly.

"Soda!" I say looking at the eggs. I turn around and look at his crazy grin.

"Try it c'mon," he says putting his hands on the back of my chair.

I unsurely grab my fork and start eating the grape jelly covered eggs and it tastes pretty good. I can taste a little of the salt on the eggs and then I taste the sweet of grape jelly and it tastes good.

"It isn't horrible" I say as a grin slowly forms on my face.

"Exactly," He says proudly.

I stand up and put the epilate in the sink and I start washing it with the dish soap. I dry the plate off and put it back where Soda got it from.

"I told you my eggs would taste good. There are my own recipe." Soda says explaining his eggs.

I go up to him and give him a hug. "Thank you for making breakfast for me."

Soda's hands come down and wrap around me and I draw back. I look up into Soda light blue eyes and he looks down at me softly and smiles. Then he looks away and shakes his head.

I felt my heart take a hit but I just grin at him. "So Mr. Mysterious are you going to tell me what we are doing today."

"Drumroll please..." Soda says with a grin as I start hitting the table for a drumroll.

"We... Are going... To go.... Bowling!" Soda says dramatically.

"Bowling? We have a bowling alley in Tulsa? That's awesome." I say excitedly and Soda grins wider.

"And while we do, operation Possie will be going on." I say dramatically.

"Of course," Soda says with a smirk.

Ponyboy comes in looking tired and bedraggled with Darry who looked cheerful.

"Hey Jules," Ponyboy says rubbing his eyes.

"Hey Pony" I say with a smile looking at the tired boy.

Ponyboy, Darry, and Soda ate breakfast while I sat with them and we talked about the day. By the time they finished eating Two, Cassie, Grace, and Steve had arrived and were ready to go.

Be My Greaser ✨Sodapop Curtis✨Where stories live. Discover now