Dress Shopping

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The rest of the week I went to school and on Friday night I walked home with Cassie, Grace, Steve, and Soda.when Steve and Soda left Cassie, Grace, and I headed back into town to go dress shopping.

We enter a shop named Rose's boutique. The inside was smalle and vintage looking with a tiny old woman at the desk. There are flowers everywhere adding a nice touch. There are rows of dresses on hangers lined up next to each other. And at the end of the room the changing rooms and three mirrors.

We split up and each go look for our own dresses.

I grab dress to dress and look at each. They either are to long, have weird material, or I just don't like them. When I am starting to panic that I won't find a dress for the dance finger glides of this lacey red dress. I pull in our and look at it. The collar is low but not too low and has lacey floral designs etched into the red fabric. The skirt has flowy red stripes that look like a waterfall of red dress. It looks like my size and I immediately know I want to try it on.

I wait until Cassie comes with a beautiful blue dress that looks silky and flowy and beautiful. And Grace has a rose gold dress that is shiny and matches her hair perfectly.

We each go into the stall and put on the dress. I take of my jeans and T-shirt and pull on the dress. It fits perfectly and I look down at myself. My blonde hair stands out like the time of a flame next to the red.

I step out the stall and look into the mirror. I twirl and smile. I feel pretty looking at myself like that. Cassie steps out of her stall and I grin. She looks beautiful with the dress on. And Grace comes out a second later too. We all look at ourselves with the dresses on in the mirror.

"We look good!" I say and we laugh.

We each change back to our clothes and go up to the cash register. The old woman smiles and takes the dresses.

"I don't get many costumers in my store nowadays. I am thankful you came by here." She smiles and we thank her. I noticed how she gave us the dresses for a lot cheaper than they actually were worth. I was very thankful of the woman's kindness.

We each went back to our designated homes with our own dresses and I immediately hung mine up to where I could see it.

I went to bed smiling thinking out my excitement for the dance.

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