Start of The Week

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I woke up Monday morning laying sideways in the couch with a blanket pulled over me. I feel a gentle shake awake and open my eyes to see Soda smiling softly.

"Five more minutes," I groan and push his hand away.

"Jules you gotta get up" Soda says and sits down on the edge of the couch.

I turn over putting my back to Soda. And I hear the couch move as he moves. Then the next thing I know I feel arms go under my knees and against my back and I feel myself get lifted into the air.

The blanket falls off of me and I try to grab it before I feel the cold air.

"Soda put me back on the couch." I say groggily.

"Only if you get up and don't fall back asleep." Soda says with a laugh.

"I won't fall back asleep," I lie with a smile forming.

"Are you lying?" Soda says and I open my eyes and look into his bright blue ones.

"Maybe," I say and lay my head against him.

Soda smiles a sly smile down at me. "okay, if you insist I drop you then-"

"No!" I yell scrambling to move before he does what I know he is about to do.

I fall as he drops me and grab at his shoulder to stop me from falling but I end up being him down also and we both fall down on the floor with a thud.

Soda's torso was across my chest and as he started to get up he looks down at me underneath him and I see a blush form on his cheeks.

He clears his throat and hurriedly stands up and offers me a hand. I take it and he swiftly pulls me to my feet and I start to smile a big wide and haughty smile.

"Did I just make the Sodapop Curtis blush?" I say grinning up at him.

He scratches the back of his neck and looks down at me. "I- uh. N-no"

"Aww that's cute," I say and push him jokingly and I walk into the kitchen.

Darry is already cooking food at the stove and as ai walk in he turns around with a knowing smile and I feel myself start to blush also.

"Mornin Jules," Darry says and Ponyboy walks in and sits at the table.

"Did something fall?" Ponyboy asks rubbing his eyes.

Me and Soda lock eyes and smile as I try to contain my laugh.

I ate breakfast with them and went to school with Ponyboy. We saw Two along the way and he walked with us.

For the entire day everyone was talking about the school dance that was not this weekend but the next. I was excited to go with the gang but I didn't have any good dresses to wear. But it didn't matter anything would be fun if they are there.

We talked about the dance at lunch and Two and Ponyboy and Cassie all said that they can go. And I got even more excited about it.

After school Cassie, Grace, and I all walked home together and talked together. Grace said that she is going to come also and that she has the perfect place to go dress shopping. She says that we can all go shopping Friday night.

I went to the Curtis's house and hung out with them for a while and we talked. Darry even helped me with my math homework.

Two came by and we all just played music and hung out. By the time the sun was setting I knew I had to decide whether I stay or not.

I didn't want to go back home, especially not when I was in such a good mood. I knew I would have to go home eventually.

"Hey guys," I start off and look down at my hands. "Can I stay another night if you don't mind?"

"Of course you can Jules," Soda says.

"Stay as long as you need," Darry says and pats me on the shoulder.

I smile as I look down and Two ended up leaving. I sat down on the couch and started to grab the blanket and pillow to fall asleep.

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