Inside the DX

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I open my eyes to my alarm going off waking me up for school. I lift my head up and see a note next to me. I squinch my eyebrows together, confused, as memory from last night floods back to me. I remember Soda standing in the rain and him coming inside and being upset. I remember him explaining everything that was wrong and then me laying next to him.

I open the note and clearly see Soda's handwriting. The note says:

Hey Jules, you fell asleep at
some point last night, so I left
on my own. I have to get back
home so that Darry and    
Ponyboy don't worry. Thanks
for listening last night.
See ya later,
from Sodapop.

I smile softly as I close the note. Sodapop will be all right, I don't have to worry about him. He is tough. He is a greaser, we all are greasers, life is tough but we are tougher. I just need to be by his side because that is the only way we get through these things.

I get off my bed get into my clothes; I get on a pair of dark blue jeans a white blouse and a jean jacket. I brush my hair and leave my house for school.

I walk down the street to school and see a group of Socs sitting together on the road.

I turn my head away from the group of boys so they won't see me. I walk past and hear one of them wolf whistle. I hate it when they do this. It would be all right if one of the gang did it because they would mean it as a compliment. But not Socs.

I turn around and flip them off earning a chorus of them oohing. I scoff and walk faster as they laugh behind me. I hate Socs. Not all of them but most of them.

When I get to school I was in a bad mood all day and by lunch time I was hating the world.

I get my food and sit down at the table that I share with Two-Bit, Ponyboy, and Cassie. They were all already there.

"Hey Jules," Ponyboy greets.

"Hey." I say with a little bit too much aggression in my voice, I instantly regret it as Ponyboy's face falls.

"Sorry I just am having a tough day." I apologize. "I had a headache this morning and some Socs- well nevermind. I just have had a bad day." I say. I didn't want to tell them about Socs being jerks I didn't want to tell them about how often greaser girls get called on by boys.

"I feel ya. I hate Tuesdays." Two-Bit says then he does something that I wasn't expecting. His face goes serious and he leans in to whisper. "Remember yesterday when I started telling you about the Socs getting angry in Westside?" Everyone except Cassie nods. "Well it was because Tim Shepherd got in a fight with one of the Socs. He beat him up pretty bad. He got sent to the hospital and Tim got arrested. The Socs are blaming all greasers for it."

"Why would they care about some Soc so much that they blame all the greasers?" Cassie asks.

"Well the Soc was the Mayor's son. And now not only do Socs blame us but most of the town too." Two-Bit says grimly looking around.

"So what? Are they doing anything new now? Or just continuing to get in fights but just more often?" I ask.

"Well..." Two-Bit leans in closer. "Nothing is for certain but there is talk about a rumble happening."

I look over at Ponyboy and see his face go pale I move to turn back to Two-Bit but before I do I see Cassie grab Pony's hand. He looks at her and he looks less sick and gives her a big smile.

"I have never been in a rumble before." I say thinking of what a rumble is like. "I heard that they are dangerous and fun. I would love to kick those Socs."

"Well girls don't ever participate in rumbles. The guys fight and the girls stay home. So that they are safe." He looks over at Ponyboy. "And plus I don't think we are going to participate."

"Girls can't fight in the rumble!" I whisper-yell. "Why not! I can fight! I have learned how to pack a punch to the Soc girls who try to fight me!"

"Nevermind but don't worry we probably won't fight." He says and looks at Ponyboy and Cassie's hands holding each other then looks back at me with a wicked grin.

We left the cafeteria and went our separate ways to our classes.

At the end of the day I left the school but I couldn't find Cassie so I just started the walk by myself. I walked down the road and as I got closer to home I decided I would stop by the DX and say hey to Steve and Soda.

I walk down the road and instead of going forward take a right and go up to the DX. I reach to grab the handle to the door but as I do I see through the glass and see Soda hugging a greaser girl with blonde hair.

I let go of the handle and take a staggering step back to where I am hidden by the wall. Soda either has a girlfriend or likes someone. I take a deep breath, that's all right. He can do whatever he wants because he is my friend. I hadn't expected to be hit with a sudden blow like that, but I put a smile on my face and go back to the door and open it and walk inside.

I see the blonde girl at the desk and see Steve and Soda working under a car. The girl grabs her plaid coat of a hook and walks by me with a polite smile and exits out the door.

I walk over to Steve and Soda and push down any feelings from a minute ago.

"Hey Jules," Soda says looking up and giving me a quick smile.

"What are you doing here?" Steve asks while filling up the oil tank of the car.

"Couldn't I have a car in need of being fixed up?" I ask innocently.

"You could, doesn't mean we'd believe you." Steve says looking at me sideways.

"I was just walking by and decided to stop by. I have never been to the DX before." I say looking around the building.

"Well nice of you to stop by and say hello but we won't be done working for another hour or so." Steve says.

"I didn't plan to stay long. Soda, can I talk to you for a sec?" I ask gesturing to the side.

"Yeah I have a minute." He says walking over to me. "I'll be right back."

"What is it?" He asks when we walk to the side.

"Last night... Well, I just wanted to check in and see if you are okay now. You had me worried for a sec." I say resisting the urge to bite my lip.

He touches my arm softly at the elbow and I feel a shock go throughout my body. "I am fine now. Thank you for listening to me. I probably seemed ridiculous last night-"

"Don't think that," I say. "You were there for me when I was hurt and had no where to go. So I am here for you when you are hurt and have no where to go. I am just here if you need me."

"Thanks Jules," he says and brushes my cheek quickly with his hand. "I gotta go now and you should too." He says and starts walking away.

"Bye Soda, bye Steve." I call as I leave the DX.

I run the way home so that my parents don't notice how late I am and go to my room. I sat down on the spot where I had been just the night before. Soda had been next to me. I had even almost thought he might like me. That he might like me back. But I probably should have guessed that there was someone else.

As long as he is happy.

I changed into pajamas and layed down while doing my homework and listening to music. As I tried to ignore the fatal feeling of my heart breaking.

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