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As the afternoon came we walked out and the eight of us started walking and talking together. Cassie, Grace, and I walked together and the rest of the boys walked together.

Grace ended up giving Cassie a piggy back ride for fun and I just walked with them and we laughed. I turned around and walked backwards so that I could look at them as we walk.

As I did I saw that Ponyboy was watching Cassie with a smile on his face and when we locked eyes I winked at him making him blush.

We walked into town and they led the way to the Bowling Alley. When we walked in there was a black carpet floor with fun neon patterns and then towards the back there was rows of shiny, polished wood that led to rows of bowling pins. The lights were a dim blue towards the entrance and made any white piece of clothing stick out and shine beautifully.

"Woah," I say looking around the place.

"Try not to lose your jaw, Jules." Two says with a grin. I just scoffed and pushed him with a laugh.

We walked up to the counter and we all ordered are shoes and payed. When we grabbed our shoes we went to the first alley and picked out teams.

Team one has Darry, Cassie, Ponyboy, and me. Then on team two there is Soda, Steve, Two-Bit, and Grace. We right our names on the board and grab our bowling balls.

We walked up the the alley and the first person, Darry, grabbed his bowling ball. Darry walked up to the lane and swung his arm forward and released the bowling ball and it spun backwards while moving forward and Darry got a strike. Two-Bit does a wolf whistle as a joke and Darry turns around with a proud smile.

Then the first player for team two has to go.

"Soda you're up" Darry says sitting back down on his chair.

Soda grabs his bowling ball and runs forwards and releases the bowling ball onto the alley. It flies down the path and hits the cone next to the center one but all the pins ended up falling down also giving Soda a strike. Now it is team ones turn again.

"Okay Cassie" Darry says signaling her to go.

Cassie stands up unsurely, grabs the bowling ball, and looks around.

"I've never been bowling before," she mutters looking down at the bowling ball.

I look over at Ponyboy and nudge him. He looks at me confused then looks at Cassie and jumps up as he understands. He walks over to Cassie and starts showing her how to bowl. He stands behind her and moves her arms gently while talking to her ear. He is totally flirting with her, I say to myself. I look over at Soda and I know he is thinking the same thing because he looks over at me and we both had a smirk on our face. Two does a wolf whistle and I can hear Pony laugh nervously while the rest of us laugh on the seats.

Ponyboy stands next to Cassie as Cassie throws the bowling ball and the ball went down the lane fast and hit the third pin in the front and most of the pins fell down except two. Giving Cassie eight points and both Soda and Darry ten.

Steve goes up and scores a seven and Soda teases him and Grace teases about how she will beat him.

Ponyboy goes up next and scores a eight along with Cassie.

Two goes up next but he gets a five. When he walks back he doesn't look upset or anything he just smiled and says. "I was going to tell a joke about how bad that throw was, but I guess I'll spare you."

A few people laughed but I just shook my head with a hidden smile.

"I know you're smiling Jules!" Two says with a grin.

"It's cause you're an idiot!" I say with a smile.

"A funny idiot," he says as he sits down and I get up for my turn.

I grab my bowling ball and walk up to the line. I had never been bowling before but I have seen it enough on local TV's to know how do bowl. I run forward and lunge at the end throwing the ball and I watch it fly down the alley and hit the pin next the the first pin. The pins near the ball fall down and the last one in the back tilts sideways and with one more wobble it falls down.

I jump up and turn around with a proud smile and they give me a quick clap as I sit back down.

Grace goes up next and sends the bowling ball flying down and she hits all the pins down. She walks back to her seat and before she sits down she teases Steve.

We played in that order a few more times until we filled the card up. These were the scores:
               Team 1:

Players:  1   2   3   4   5    Total:
Darry:   10 10 10  9  10            49
Cassie:    8   9  10  8  7              42
Pony:      8  10  9   7  7              41
Jules:     10  9  10  8  10            47

               Team 2:

Players:  1   2   3   4   5   Total:
Soda:     10 10  8   8  10           46
Steve:     7   8  10  8   9             42
Two:       5   9  10  8   7             39
Grace:   10  9   8  10  9             46

Darry had the most points and then it was me. Soda and Grace both came in third with 46 points. And then Cassie and Steve both came in for the with 42 points. And Ponyboy was fifth and Two was sixth.

We went to go leave the bowling alley but ended up going to the restroom first though Cassie and Pony didn't have to go to the restroom so they waited outside.

I went to the restroom and walked out and saw Soda and Two already done also. We went to walk outside but we saw Pony and Cassie talking together.

"Guys wait," I say putting a hand out to stop Two and Soda. Sod runs into my hand but stops and we lean up against the wall.

I watch as Pony bends down and picks a flower from the ground for Cassie and see that they both are blushing slightly.

Cassie takes the yellow flower and holds it in both of her hands and looks up at Pony as they start talking again. Steve, Grace, and Darry join us and watch Pony and Cassie with us.

The sun was starting to set and there was an orange glow all around outside and the edges of Cassie's hair looked gold.

Pony takes his hand and lifts Cassie's chin gently and presses his lips to hers uncertainly and Cassie wraps an arm around Pony's neck and the kiss each other softly and with care.

I jump up and everyone cheers I look at Soda and we have a celebration hug. And I brake away and jump up and down shaking Grace by the shoulders.

We rush out the building and Soda puts Pony on his shoulders squealing like a girl and me and Grace rush up to Cassie. They both were beet red but we were all laughing.

We walk back to the Curtis's all laughing and joking.

Be My Greaser ✨Sodapop Curtis✨حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن