"Why are you so upset tho- Ohh, he's seeing that James guy..." a look of realization crosses his confused face.

"After all this time I've lost my chance. I've wasted all this time pining after him only to find out he's with someone else. How fucking pathetic can I be?"

"Eli, You're not pathetic. I'm sorry he's with someone else, it has been a while though, maybe he thought he wasn't going to find you either? I mean you can only hold on for so long... Right?" He said sadly.

"If he doesn't want to be with your fine ass, then you need to move on and find someone better than him. Someone who is going to love you and fight for you."

"Thanks, Luke. Let's stop talking about this, we've gotta get you dressed and ready to go." I gave a wattery eyed smile.

It's going to be a long fucking night trying to get through all this lovey shit. Now I have to sit and watch Zayn and what's his name all night probably sucking each other's faces off.

I step into the bathroom by myself, shutting the door behind me. I walk to the sink and splash my face with some cold water. I stare at my reflection in the mirror and damn, I look like a fucking mess.

I wipe my tear stricken face with the small towel and begin changing into my suit. It's a dark charcoal grey, with a black dress shirt and black tie. I straighten my tie, take a deep breath and step out of the bathroom.

"Shit, Eli! That suit looks amazing on you!" Luke said excitedly

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"Shit, Eli! That suit looks amazing on you!" Luke said excitedly. "You won't have a problem getting a guy wearing that."

"Yeah, yeah. Look at you though! That suit looks amazing on you. Arlen's going to love it." I said with a smile.

Lukes suit is an off cream colour, with a white dress shirt, a burgundy tie and pocket square, topping it off with burgundy dress pants that match the tie. He looks great, as much as I don't want to admit it right now, Zayn did a really nice job on the suits.

"Well, my friend

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"Well, my friend. Are you ready to walk down the aisle?" I said as we walk down the path to where the ceremony is being held.

"I'm so ready. I can't wait to marry the love of my life."

"Great, because we're here. " I said.

Lukes father greets us with a smile. I make my way to the front of the aisle and begin my walk down. They wanted the best men to walk down seperately and the groomsman to walk down in pairs together. My eyes stay down the first half of the walk. I hate having so many eyes on me. I like attention, don't get me wrong, but this is a lot.

Arlen is also in a beautiful suit. A dark burgundy that accents Luke's perfectly. A black dress shirt and tie. They're going to look amazing beside eachother.

Halfway through my walk, my eyes move upwards only to have Zayn's beautiful eyes connect with mine

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Halfway through my walk, my eyes move upwards only to have Zayn's beautiful eyes connect with mine. I hold his piercing gaze for a few seconds as I reach the front, but quickly avert my eyes from his to the ground in front of me.

I can't. I just can't. I barely know the fucking guy and I feel like my heart's shattered into a million tiny pieces.

Somehow during these last few months, I think I've completely fallen in love with a stranger.

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