2.8.4: just the beginning [of the third act]

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2.8.4: Just the beginning [of the third act]

The minute she entered the bathroom, she broke down

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The minute she entered the bathroom, she broke down. Seeing herself dressed up like Nate's dream girl made her throw up. She made her way to a stall and let it all out. She came out oblivious to people around her.

"Breathe, Veronica. You'll go to some college and-" she felt someone take her hand and heard cheering. "There's our superstar. Bitch, you're gonna be the next Viola Davis." When she looked up, Maddy was rubbing her palm. Kat and BB were there as well.

Cassie fucking Howard also had the audacity to fucking look at her. "What the fuck are you looking at, slut?"

Kat and Maddy shared a look. "I got it." Maddy said, "Vera... she's not worth it... just breathe."

"Maybe if-" Cassie rubbed her back.

"Don't fucking touch me, Cass! You let him touch me." Veronica said. "Did you know that, Maddy? She sat there and watched. She sat there and told me I deserved the bruises and then she fucked him!" She was having a panic attack, and couldn't really breathe. "It's all bullshit. All of it. I haven't had a drink or a pill in months and all I do is cry which only makes things even worse because he hates it when I cry."

"Vee... I-"

"You ruined my fucking life, Cassie." she spit. "All I asked for was one night. One fucking night. And you ruined it."

"If it makes you feel any better, Nate broke up with me before I even went on that stage."

"Enjoy it while it lasts." Veronica said, "Cuz you're the new Veronica and I'M the new Maddy."

"Don't worry," Maddy said, "This is only the beginning." and she followed Veronica out of the bathroom.

When Maddy walked out of the girls bathroom she saw Nate pinning Veronica against the wall, screaming at her. "Now be a good girl and walk out with me. No tears or I'll have to tie you up again."

"No... please." He'd isolated her in the guest room every weekend for months while he paraded Cassie around like a trophy wife. Nate Jacobs made Veronica so dependent on him that she was afraid of the dark and didn't wanna go anywhere or do anything alone. "I can't be alone again... Nate... please. I'm so sorry."

"Yeah... You're going to be sorry after I fuck you like I hate you & leave you alone in that dark room."

"Don't leave me..."

"Vera..." Maddy found herself calling out to her. Nate turned around, wrapping an arm around Veronica and smiled but Maddy knew it was all fucking fake, especially the kiss he planted on her cheek. "Not one word." Nate whispered in her ear. "You did great up there, beautiful. Maddy, get the fuck outta here."

In Maddy's hand was a bouquet of flowers, "Kat said theater bitches got flowers after a show so i got red roses. And this really cute bag..." Maddy hugged Veronica tightly. "Follow my lead... "

My newly sober self sensed something off when Veronica ran off stage. I was walking out, leaving Jules behind and saw Maddy, Nate, and Veronica. "Rue-rue."


"Cool play."


"Loved it, actually." Rue said, "remember when we'd always have an opening night sleepover?"

"I'd like that." Veronica tugged the red scrunchie from her hair and gave it to Nate. "Take me out tomorrow night. Do whatever you want then but please just give me one fucking night."

Nate looked at her, "One night, beautiful. Don't fuck it up."

"Thank you."

As we walked out of the school together, nothing mattered to me more than being in the moment. Veronica was coming to terms with the fact that Nate would follow her wherever she went even if they were a thousand miles apart.

The thing that separated Veronica from Maddy and Cassie was that her fantasies with Nate were a fucked up mix of 80s teen movies and the shitshow that is reality. With that, she saw everything as a fucking plot device for some fucked up play. This was the end of the second act. In her eyes, Nate would always be the villain of her story and she was finally starting to accept it and use it to her advantage.

And she gave all the credit to Cassie's speech about being the villain. The same bitch that watched her get hurt like it was some trashy fucking reality show.

She's Morgan Freeman and this is the beginning of the third act.

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