2.4: happy birthday, bitch

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vi. happy birthday, bitch

Season two, episode four

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Season two, episode four

Maddy and Veronica were born on the same day in different hospitals. Maddy liked to celebrate with a big party and Veronica just lit a candle and put it on a cupcake and called it a day. It wasn't really special until she met Maddy. Then she just had to have a party because Maddy was having one and so they celebrated together. She still celebrated with me, though. We always went to Fez's and Ashtray who still to this day has a thing for Veronica, would give her anything she wanted for free.

This year was going to be different. Maddy was having her own party. Veronica didn't feel like celebrating anything. But when Maddy invited their friends, she told them not to tell Veronica that she was going to be celebrated as well.

Kat really didn't think it was a good idea. "Veronica hates surprises. She hates people."

"She loves us though." Maddy said, "And she's been acting hella weird lately. It's like she's mad at me or something."

"And forcing her to celebrate her birthday is going to make her feel better?"

"Yeah, cause we, like, really fucking care about her. And we only turn 18 together once, then we'll turn 21 together. And then, like, thirty."

"Isn't she, like, going out with Rue?"

The thing about that was she'd found my suitcase and opened it this morning. When I got back, she was gone. She was with Maddy. She packed her shit up and went to her house. And god knows if there's one thing Veronica hated more than anything, it was liars. She hated everything that even sounded remotely false and she always knew when I was lying to her. Especially when she was high on Adderall. It was like it gave her super powers or some Avengers level shit.


"You guys seem really comfortable here." Nate said.

"How did you even know we were here?" Veronica asked.

"You left your location on, beautiful."

Maddy cleared her throat. "Would you like a tour?" she offered.

Maddy showed Nate around the house she was babysitting in and he had his arm wrapped around Veronica, dragging her long. Now, Maddy and Veronica were showing him the pool, swinging around.

"I feel like you ruined me forever."

"Why does it sound romantic when you say it like that?"

"I still love you." Nate said out loud, "I still love you."

"But why?"

"Cuz you're smart and cruel... but not really."

"Not really smart?"

"Not really cruel... either of you."

"It's funny you say that because it's something that I didn't realize until we broke up." Maddy said, "Did you know that I loved you? I think Vera loved you more though. And I'm not talking about fighting or fucking. I'm talking about love."

"Did you feel loved by us?" Veronica aked.

"I don't know." That was enough for Veronica to storm back inside and go to the upstairs bathroom.


"But you knew I had feelings for Maddy and that Veronica is also my best friend."

"I didn't know you were gonna get back together with her."

"How many times do I have to tell you that we're not back together. And I'm not even sure I'm friends with Veronica anymore." Nate said.

"Right, you just hung out and talked about love."

Nate set his toothbrush down in his bathroom and some things fell to the floor. "Jesus fucking Christ."

"If i would have known you were gonna get back together, i wouldn't have done this."

"That's a lie."

"It's not a lie."

"You have this image of yourself as so fuckin sweet and innocent but it's bullshit. If you were a fucking sweet person, you wouldn't have fucked your best friend's boyfriend."

"You two were broken up."

"That is a comfort to nobody but you."

"I bet it helps Veronica sleep at night, though."

"Veronica is a good person." Nate said, "She's not going around being crazy."

"I can't do this."

"What, you wanna go tell Maddy?" Nate scoffed. "I bet you Veronica already has. She can hear everything we're saying right now." Veronica was in the guest bedroom while Nate's mom got a surprise ready for her birthday. She was waiting up there bored but the conversation was very entertaining.

"You're afraid that I'm still in love with Maddy so you're gonna do whatever the fuck it takes to destroy that. This isn't about being a fucking good person Cassie or being a fuckin good friend. This is about you getting what you want. You can fuckin leave or you can get into bed. It's up to you."

"You know what you don't realize, Nate?" Cassie got a crazy glint in her eye. "I don't care what happens to me. I don't care how angry Maddy gets. And I'm not scared of Veronica. Before she met me she was a girl scout cookie. You guys shouldn't be together. You're toxic."

"How would you know?"

"Because she's my best friend and I'm in a relationship with you."

"Maddy that's literally fucking insane."

"See?" Cassie screamed, "This is what I'm talking about."

"I said Maddy because we're talking about how crazy Maddy is." Nate explained, "Which is something you can't seem to fucking comprehend."

Cassie got in his face. Bold move. "But what you don't understand Nate is that I'm crazier."

"That's not something to be fucking proud of Cassie!"

"No but it is something you should be scared of."

"What the fuck. You can't fucking blackmail me into a relationship with you."

"Blackmail means you don't have choices but in reality you do have choices you just have to own up to the consequences of them." hypocrite. Cassie was a fucking hypocrite. They both were and Veronica decided to put on her playlist when Nate started screaming at the blonde girl. It reminded her of when he yelled at her. And that never ended well.

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