ix. detective rue: the sequel

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Nine: Detective Rue: the Sequel

Nine: Detective Rue: the Sequel

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As planned, we met up at Fez's after school. Veronica held her cast covered arm in one hand. It took her a while but she started talking. She stayed very specifically on things about her. She said she embarrassed Nate and that she thought she deserved it. She even told us about trying to cover up Heather's death just in case she didn't make it. And then, she said "I need your help, Bennet. I know you have a plan. I need you to tell me what it is because I can't do this anymore."

"Yo," Fez said, "Without your consent? And what the fuck do you mean he hit you? Wait, what the fuck are you two even babbling about? Sounds like a fuckin' suicide mission."

"That's because it is, Fez." Veronica said.

"You realize you ain't even said hello to me." Fez pointed out. "Just let yall selves in."

"Yo, Fez." Rue waved, "Yeah, so you know how in every '90s thriller, right, Morgan Freeman plays, like, the same semi-psychic black cop."


"So, I know that's kind of racist, but the point is..."

Veronica jumped in. "In every movie, he's always calmly putting the fucking pieces of the case together, while everybody else around him is fucking freaking out, saying, "You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, Morgan. You're a fucking bad husband. You should fucking retire."

"But no." I said, "Morgan is f*cking hyper-focused. Because he can see beyond the little details. He's looking for the big fuckin' picture. Because all of this shit? It's connected, Fez. And it is way bigger than any of us can even fucking see. The point is, that's me. Right now, that is fucking me. I can see everything so f*cking clearly. I know what happened, I know why it happened, and I know what the fuck I'm gonna do about it."

"Wait," Veronica siad, "You cannot say anything about this, Rue. He cannot know I got you involved."

"I never said I was going to say anything. I'm going to help you do something about it."

"Word." Fez said.


"She can't hear me, right?" rue pointed to the bed where is grandma was lying

"She can't see you, either." Fez nodded.

"Okay, good, 'cause this is, like, some real top-secret shit." Veronica said.

"Trust me, Rue, she is not gonna gossip."

I sighed, "Okay. Do you still have that gun?"

"What gun?"

"The one from the couch.

"I mean, I got a couple guns."

"Why do you have so many g*ns?" Veronica asked.

"My grandma. That's cool. What you worried about my guns for?

"Okay, well, I was thinking that maybe you could use one to scare Nate Jacobs."

"Are you serious?" and "You do know that we're black, right?" Fez and Veronica said at the same time.

"I mean, I'm not not serious."

"Rue, that must be the dumbest sh1t you've said all fucking day."

"You don't have to fucking point it at him. You could just You could, like You could flash it." I suggested.

"You really have lost your f*ckin' mind, Rue."

"Fuck, it's a bad fucking idea, okay?" Veronica spit. She started hyperventilating, "He's going to fucknig murder me."

"I just was f*cking spitballing, here. I mean, he f*cked with me, he f*cked with Jules. He ESPECIALLY fucked with you, Veronica." She knew I was right whether she admitted or not. "And I want f*cking revenge. Okay?"

"F*ck. Mouse is here. The guy with the All right, so, stay in here. Be quiet. Make sure she shuts the fuck up, Vera."

"Fez, I can't. I can't stay here. Like, I'm really."

"Yes, the f*ck she can. Shh!" Veronica blurted.

That pissed Fez off. He looked directly at me and said, "I'm not good with awkward silences. Be quiet. Listen, I'm really serious right now. You just need to sit your manic ass down, and be quiet for five f*ckin' minutes, Rue. I'm not f*ckin' playin' with you. Sit down and shut the f*ck up."


After I showed up at his house with Veronica, the last thing Fez expected to see was Nate coming to pick her up from his shop with Maddy in the front seat of his truck. I tried to tell him but he was still very confused because Veronica came into work with a bright blue cast on her arm and a red scrunchie in her hair. She stayed quiet and kept eye contact with Nate. He kissed her forehead and grabbed her arm, squeezing it. "You ready to go, beautiful?" then he bent down closer to her and said, "Don't make a fucking scene. I'll buy you some adderall if you're a good girl." he said, shocking everyone.

Veronica flinched when Nate opened the glass fridge to get a drink, grabbing some snacks and a drink he knew she would like. He did that a lot after hurting her, bought her little things like that to make it up to her. Fez looked between Veronica and Nate before he decided to speak. "I don't know what's been going on with you and Veronica and Rue and Jules and shit but you should know I really do care about her."

"Aren't you, like, her drug dealer?" He told Veronica to stay away from Fez.

"Nah man."

"What, like, you're in a relationship?"

"Nah, bro. That's like my family."

"So it's platonic, like me and beautiful." Nate grabbed Veronica's bag and slung it over his shoulder, squeezing her arm tighter. It didn't go unnoticed by Fez or Ashtray who had come out to give her her paycheck. "You forgot this, ma."

"Look man. All I'm saying is leave her and her friends alone." He nudged his head toward Veronica. "And Veronica's a nice girl. Make sure you treat her well, playboy."

"Is that a threat?"

"Nah, I'm just telling you."

"Or what?"

"F-fez..." Veronica stuttered, "D-don't."

"We're not gonna be having this conversation in front of her."

"She can handle it," Nate said, "So Fezco... let's get this straight. You're like half a retard. You dropped out of school at 20, and now you're a gangster. What are you, Tony Montana? What's the plan? Gonna be living in a mansion with fucking pet tigers and shit? Go fuck yourself."

"All I'm saying, you keep fucking with Rue and her friends and Imma kill you. It's gon' be 5.75 playboy. Stay safe out here, Veronica." What he didn't know was that he screwed Veronica over by addressing her directly. The engine didn't cover the loud sobs coming from the car as he yelled at her about what a bad influence Fez was.


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