2.6.3 have fun playing the hero

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season 2, episode 6 - part 4

season 2, episode 6 - part 4

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have fun playing the hero

"I'll literally do whatever you want. Just leave Jules out of this. Please." As soon as the words flew out of her mouth Veronica Sawyer knew she'd just signed her life away to Nate Jacobs. And yeah, it was an impulsive emotional stupid fucking reaction but so is pulling a gun on someone. Deep down, Veronica still loved Jules even if she knew they could never be together. The last thing you want is to lose someone you love forever. And she was not about to let Nate pull a gun on Jules. He had called Jules a minute ago and she hung up on him saying she didn't care to hear anything he had to say.

"I'd do anything for you, Veronica." Nate said, "I pulled a gun on Maddy for-"

"No, you pulled a gun on Maddy because you're a fucking sociopath."

"You sound fucking crazy. Calm down, Veronica. You'll give yourself a heart attack." Nate said with zero emotion, "You're going to call Jules saying you need her to meet you outside of her house." He handed Veronica her phone. "And I'm going to drop you off at my house and you're going to cry yourself to sleep. You'll wake up refreshed and maybe be grateful that I'm helping you."

Veronica couldn't help but notice him squeezing her thigh tighter with every word. It would bruise for sure. "Stop it. I'm not playing house with you."

"You love me."

"I don't love you."

"We both know that's a lie." Nate said, ignoring her pleas. "I am and will always be your best friend and your only family. We're in this together. We always will be. So call Jules. It's what's best for you and we can be family again. Or you can be all alone."

Despite having made up with me and working on the play with Lexi, Veronica did feel isolated from everybody other than Nate. She unlocked her phone, dialed Jules and put it on speaker.

"Hey, Vera. What's up?"


"What's wrong?"

"I- nothing I just need to talk to you... About Rue..."

"You're with Nate aren't you?"

"It's not like that. And how did you-"

"If you really wanted to talk about Rue? You would've been here already. I know you."

"Jules, please." Veronica said, "It's important."

"Is Nate hurting you?" Jules asked.

"No... Jules... This isn't about me. It's about Nate's dad. And you."

"Five minutes." she said, hanging up.

Veronica hadn't stopped crying since Nate basically kidnapped her. Her voice was raspy and she didn't sound anything like herself. "Have fun playing the hero, Nate."

"I'm outside your house." Veronica said to Jules over the phone. But the thing was, Nate had stopped to take Veronica home once Jules agreed to meet with her. The most fucked up thing about all of this sit is that Cassie had agreed to move in with Nate and that he left Veronica crying in the guest room while he went to pick her up.

We're gonna be roomies, Vera! You're my best friend.

Vera to Cass: Go fuck yourself.

Veronica was definitely not friends with Cassie. Actually, she thought Cassie was her friend but she was just another trifling bitch. She really only let her bullshit slide cuz she's Lexi's sister.

Marsha brought her a glass of water after Nate left and she remembered that Marsha trusted her. When Veronica realized Nate went to get Cassie and wouldn't be back for awhile, she crept down the stairs and headed for the door. She didn't see Marsha looking at her from the top of the stairs.

She called an uber. But here's the thing: Veronica really had nowhere to go. Her house was unsafe again and Elliot had drugs at his house. She didn't trust herself not to OD after what she just went through. And then she remembered her best friend - me.

My family was finishing up dinner with Ali when someone knocked on the door. "I'll get it." Gia said, "Rue! RUE! Come here."

"What did I do now- Veronica? You look like hell." I said.

"Yeah?" she laughed, "I just got back."

"What the hell happened to your face, baby?" my mom asked, "was it that white boy?"

"Jules, Nate, a fucking disc... and Maddy with a gun... and I don't even..."

"Well, let's get her some food before we give her the third degree." Ali interjected, making her a plate.

"Hi, Ali."

"Good to see you again, Veronica." Ali smiled. Ali knew about Nate and Veronica. Veronica had been talking to Ali while we weren't on speaking terms with each other. He became her sponsor as well and it was shocking but good to see Veronica have a positive adult in her life.

As Ali walked out the door, he noticed a bright blue box on our doorstep. It was addressed to Veronica Sawyer with a blue bow on top. I took the box without even thinking about it and read the fucking note.

It said, "I love you, beautiful."

"Get rid of it." Veronica said, "Fucking get rid of it. Burn it, sell it, I'm not taking that gift from him."

While I cleaned her up, I didn't have the heart to tell her I was going to rehab again the next day.

Lexi Howard was expecting us to call. She'd assumed that Cassie twisted the truth to make Nate think the entire thing was Veronica's fault, that she'd told me about their affair and forced me to lie - which she didn't.

As Suze Howard lost one daughter, a lost soul arrived on her doorstep, all bruised up an hour later. Normally, Lexi snuck Veronica in after everyone was asleep but after Cassie walked out the door, Suze was waiting up for her, hoping she'd come to her senses and come home.

"Hey, Suze." Veronica tried to smile. "Is Lexi here? She said if I needed anything I could stay here..."

"Of course you can, honey." Suze looked her up and down. The bite marks on her neck caught her eye. That, and the way she was bleeding from her head. "What the hell happened?"

"This... is why Nate isn't a good person." Lexi said from the top of the stairs.


Earlier, Faye had gotten surprising information from Custer who was now working with the police.

"They're still looking for the girl who was there that night."


"She was there that night."

A side effect of Vera freezing during traumatic events was her refusing to acknowledge them afterward. She did it with Nate but this was different. She saw Ashtray kill Mouse whether she chose to admit it or not.


Maddy drove over to Lexi's the next morning, banging on the door demanding to see Veronica. She also looked like shit. "Maddy, keep it down. Lexi's still asleep."

"You fucking scared me last night!" she hugged her, "I thought you were fuckin' dead until i tracked your phone... thank fucking god. Don't ever scare me like that again."

"Yeah, well... I really couldn't go home last night."

"I know..."

"I keep seeing it, you know... I keep seeing it ending differently. Like if one of us actually... I can't even fucking say it."

"Yeah. you don't have to, Vee."

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