2.8.2: The Show Must Go On

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2.8.2: The Show Must Go On

season 2 finale - part 2

"There she is! The Tony Award for best actress playing the victim, Veronica!"

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"There she is! The Tony Award for best actress playing the victim, Veronica!"

Cassie announced. "You look like hell."

"Yeah?" Veronica snapped, "I just got back. You have no fucking idea."

"Did Jake hit you or is this part of the play? Go ahead tell us. Tell us he hit you, Veronica. Show us your bruises." Cassie grabbed her arm, pulling up her shirt, revealing a hand shaped bruise on her ribs. "Because your life really is fucking hard. The person that loves you hits you and yet you stay. Dear diary, I'm a needy little bitch who does plays to get some positive attention for once. Dear diary... he hit me again but I deserve it because I'm a selfish, needy, whore who can't stand Jake not paying attention to me." Cassie ripped her top off, leaving Veronica onstage in her sports bra.

"Cassie, please." Veronica said, "Stop it... let me go."

"Dear diary, Cassie is just so much better than me. Let me ruin her relationship by making Jake angry. Dear diary, the bruises mean he loves me! He loves you, right? He fucking loves you. He fucking loves you more than me!"

The audience started booing her and Cassie loved the fucking attention. It fueled her.

"Oh, okay... well if that makes me a villain, then so fuckin' be it. I can play the fucking villain." a lightbulb glowed in Cassie's head. "Lexi, is this the part of the play where I steal Jake from Marta?"

Lexi stuttered out, "N-No, Cassie. That's not in the play."

"It is now." Maddy yelled from her seat.

The girl playing Hallie tried to diffuse the situation but Cassie stuck her hand in her face. She shushed her. "I don't wanna hear it from you. I lived it."

"Wait." the same girl who called Cassie racist piped up. "Hallie steals Marta's boyfriend?"

"I don't know how many times I have to say this. They weren't fucking together."

"Yeah not only that." Maddy fueled the fire. "But she was fucking the entire time Marta was talking about getting back together with him.

Veronica laughed, "She ALSO watched Jake put his hands on Violet and DID ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING ABOUT IT."

"Why would she do that?" the random girl from the audience asked.

"Because Hallie is a two-faced cunt." Maddy yelled.

"...who had a brain tumor for breakfast!" Veronica added.

"I DID NOT!" Cassie scoffed, "I'm not the cunt! You're the cunt."

"You're the fucking cunt, bitch!"

"I am not a fucking cunt."

"Language, missy." Suze reprimanded, "You know what? You're just fucking embarrassing yourself. Let's go home."

"I'm not going home." Cassie pushed Suze again. "The play's not over, Mom! This isn't fair.

"It's not her fault." Suze chose Lexi's side for once. "She's a writer."

"This isn't fair, mom. How can she do this?" Cassie exited stage left. It didn't help that the next scene was her fucking a carousel horse. She sprang back into action and shoved the poor girl playing Hallie off the horse. "No!" She roared. "I'm going to fucking kill you. Get off the fucking horse!"

"Oh... Maddy got up from her seat, "This bitch needs to be put down." she took her shoes off storming the stage with Kat and BB behind her. Bb hyped her up as Maddy bitch slapped the dogshit out of Cassie.

"Oh, fuck!" I whispered.

They ran around the stage and eventually Suze was able to redirect their fight offstage. Maddy still had her heart set on beating Cassie's ass.

Meanwhile, Suze was saving Lexi's show. "It's all make believe." She explained. "This is all scripted.can you believe it? My baby's a genius! Close the curtain!" The curtain closed and Lexi was shattered in the wings. Cassie fucked up her one chance to actally feel good about herself.


Veronica was a doll to Nate, one he could dress up and play with whenever he wanted and she now knew that she might never get away from him but onstage she could be herself. And Cassie stole that from her tonight.

Which was why Veronica smiled when she saw Elliot in the audience, because at least with him, she knew she was safe.

"This is a closed rehearsal." Bobbi said, looking at her clipboard, "Cast and crew only."

Lexi came up behind her, "He's cool, Bobbi. Veronica invited him."

"You're the boyfriend?" Bobbi smirked, "Hmm. No talking in my theater, nigga."

It quickly became routine for Elliot to stick around and watch rehearsals. He did it for Veronica. At first he wanted to know why she'd been avoiding him.

"I just don't understand why you went back to hiding behind him?"

"He hit me."


"Don't make me say it again."

"When was the last time he touched you?"

"Last night."

"That's not right, Veronica." Elliot said, "You deserve more. My door is always open for you. I wanted to, uh, give you this key. Come over whenever you need to."

"You're so sweet."

"And, uh, Vera..."


He kissed her and put a blunt behind her ear, "A parting gift."

Elliot made her feel truly loved the way she thought only Jules could. "By the way, this play is going to be killer. You guys are fucking fantastic. Especially you. I mean, your voice is incredible."

"I-" Bobbi poked her head into the dressing room as they started kissing again. "We're gonna run act two in five minutes."

"Thank you, five." Vera chirped, breaking away from the kiss.


"Yeah." Bobbi said into her headset, "I found them."

Lexi and Veronica were sitting against the mirrors crying for two different reasons.

I'm telling everyone that that was part of the play."

"It's the only thing I've ever done and it's a disaster." Lexi sobbed.

"It could be worse." Bobbi prepared to give the classic high school theater kid speech.


"You could be me." Veronica said, "Accosted in your dressing room."

"Or... it could be boring." Bobbi said. "I mean... how many shows in the history of East Highland High have started a riot?"

s not even over yet." Lexi said.

"Art should be dangerous."

"The show goes on."

"The show must go on... all over the place... or something." Veronica said.

Bobbi rolled her eyes. "Not you throwing around glee quotes."

Lexi gathered the entire cast backstage after an impromptu intermission.

"Hallie... dust yourself off... and get back on that pony."

"And Ethan..." Veronica said, "keep channeling your inner psycho. They're eating it up."

"Giddy up.." Bobbi chirped.

"Let's f*ckin' do this."

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