iii. the doc is in [lick it up, baby! lick it up]

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Three: the doc is in [lick it up, baby! lick it up]

Things didn't really start to go wrong until the carnival two weeks later

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Things didn't really start to go wrong until the carnival two weeks later. It was the event of the year and it was a huge part of Nate and his family's reputation. But Nate invited Maddy to hangout at the booth and told her to dress more conservative than usual. So it was no surprise to Veronica that as soon as Nate found Maddy, her outfit pissed him off. "Yo, why are you dressed like a hooker?"


"I can't have you hanging out at the booth dressed like this."

"Maybe it'll sell better."

"My parents already don't like you."


"Go home, get changed and come back looking like an actual person."

"So I don't get to be there because I'm a hooker but Veronica's your side piece so why does she get to be there? You think she's better than me? Heather's wearing the same thing as me."

"Heather doesn't act like a fucking whore. And you know Veronica's fucking family, alright? Plus she's gotta wear this shit for her performance later." and with that, Nate grabbed Veronica by the wrist and disappeared into the crowd.

Every year at the chili cookoff, Veronica robotically scrolled through her phone, listening to Nate turn up the charm for everyone that passed. If only they knew that a condescending tone seeped through every word coming from his mouth. She realized she hadn't seen me or Jules the entire night. We had a group chat, shared our locations, and came up with a very specific meeting spot but she was five minutes late. "I, uh, I have to go meet Rue at the ferris wheel before the drama club does their showcase."

"She need you to pee in a cup or something?"

"Don't talk about her like that!" Veronica said, "She's my best friend. Bye."

"Don't have too much fun, V." Cal said. "And be here to see me get first prize again."

"Good luck." Nate called after her.

"How many times do I have to tell you, good luck means back luck."

Jules and Veronica arrived together from different directions. We ran toward each other for a group hug.

"I think she's in love with them." My sister Gia said. Lexi was oblivious as usual, "Huh?"

"Rue is in love with Veronica AND Jules, I think."

"Really? Hadn't thought about it." Lexi murmured.

"Are you mad at me?" Jules asked me. Veronica knew I kissed Jules and pussied out of telling her how I felt. She knew I blamed myself so it wasn't shocking when I sputtered out, "No, no, no. Are you mad at me?"

Jules was naturally confused as she usually was when it came to me. "No. Why would I be mad at you?"

"Oh I don't know."

Candy Store, Nate Jacobs & Maddy PerezWhere stories live. Discover now