2.8: Beginning of the End

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2.8: Beginning of the End

season 2 finale

season 2 finale

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While the play went to shit, Faye was helping Fezco avoid getting arrested

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While the play went to shit, Faye was helping Fezco avoid getting arrested. She'd shattered a glass and bent down, putting a finger to her lips. And then she mouthed, "They're gonna ask about Veronica. Should I text her?" fez nodded.

You might be wondering why they wanted to take Veronica in for questioning? Well, according to Custer, she witnessed Mouse's murder.

"Where's your girl?"

"Who? Veronica?" Fez said.

"What the fuck you asking about Veronica for?" Ashtray said.

"Chill, Ash. if you must know, she's in the play I'm heading out to go see."

"And where is this play?"

"Why you askin' 'bout her, playboy? She's not your girl."

"Because the cops found Mouse's body and they're looking for a witness. A girl who might have seen it that matches her description."

"You said Laurie killed Mouse." Faye spoke up. "And Veronica was never involved with her."

"What the fuck?"

"I'm talking about how you told me Laurie killed Mouse so this doesn't involve Veronica since they've never crossed paths." Faye was actually smarter than Fez and Ash gave her credit for

Ash didn't get the hint and stabbed Custer in the jugular. As Fezco crushed the bug and stopped him from bleeding all over the place, all he could think about was how disappointed Lexi and Veronica would be about his absence on their big night. He got so nervous that his next move was to text Veronica. He was worried about Nate attacking her more than ever. It Was Ashtray's fault he couldn't protect her.

But back to our regularly scheduled programming... There I was enjoying Lexi and Veronica's broadway level play when all of a fucking sudden, I hear what sounded like a velocaraptor behind me. I turned around and Cassie's hot breath was fogging up the glass. Shit was about to go down. And what went down was worse than what I anticipated.

Candy Store, Nate Jacobs & Maddy PerezOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant