2.3: how to succeed in drug dealing without really trying

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iii. How to succeed in drug dealing without really trying

Season 2, episode 3

Veronica was doing her Sunday morning routine of snorting Adderall and trying on her entire closet

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Veronica was doing her Sunday morning routine of snorting Adderall and trying on her entire closet.


"Rue?" Gia asked.

Fuck me. Was she there the whole time or did she just walk in the room?

"I mean..."

Now as a beloved character that a lot of people are rooting for, I feel a certain responsibility to make good decisions.

But I relapsed.

In all fairness, I did say in the beginning I had no intentions of staying clean.

But I get it. Our country's dark. And fucked up.

And fucked up. And people just wanna find hope. Somewhere. Anywhere. And if not in reality, then in television. Unfortunately... I'm not it.

Sorry. That was from last year.

How to get away with being a drug addict

Step one: Find a cover drug. Cause no matter what, if you're doing drugs you're gonna get caught, it's inevitable. And when it does happen you don't wanna be on the defensive. No one believes an addict when they're caught.

So first thing's first you wanna lay the groundwork.

Now, what you wanna do is make them second guess their intuition. Make them feel like any valid concern is just their anxiety getting the best of them.

Step 2: Gaslight.

"Promise me it'll just be weed."

"I promise."

So the next time you put poptarts in the fridge or milk in the cupboard... you have a motherfuckin' out.

"I just smoked a little bit of weed."

"I just took a little extra Adderall this morning.... Oh shit."

"So, I smoked a little bit of weed and forgot to mention someone that I met. Who by the way, I think you'll really get along with once you're not mad at me for whatever you're fuckin' mad at me about."

"I'm not gonna get along with him." Jules said.


"Cause he wants to fuck you."

"You really think so?"

"Yes, I know so."

"I promise you there is no way he wants to fuck me. If anything he wants to fuck the shit out Veronica."

And not that it helped but everyone did. Veronica was special but it was also very clear that she was off limits or something, even to me and Jules. It took a lot of persuading to get her to lure Elliot into an interrogation.

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