Bed buddies

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The candles flicker around the room and the stillness makes my heart rate feel like it echoes off the walls. The close proximity of Michael and the familiarity of this room is like deja vu.

There is now a gap between our bodies after we lit the candles. A valley to aid me in not acting on my all consuming desires for Michael.

Michael the father of my child.

Michael my former best friend.

Michael my childhood hero.

Michael looks at me with his sparkling eyes and I scoot even further away til I am hedging the end of the bed. I feel like I am on fire and Michael will soon engulf me. I am not ready. Ready to risk everything to potentially be hurt again. I can't come back from that betrayal twice. Not when stakes are so much higher with Walt in the picture.

Before I can react his long arm crosses the bed valley and he pulls me to him in one fluid motion. I fit him like a glove, we were made to go together. I can't deny it any longer.

"Hmmm that's better." His voice vibrates against my ear. That deep voice will be my undoing. He definitely didn't have that when we were in high school and it is one of the many differences that makes my heart skip a beat.

I playfully slap his chest as his hand slides down and rests on my butt.

"What I'm cold." I can feel him grin and he makes no effort to move his hand from its current location.

"And my butt is supposed to warm up your hand?" I playfully chastise him.

"I mean there are other ways we can stay warm." He slides his hand under my underwear grabbing a handful as he releases a moan in my ear. My hair stands on end and releases goosebumps across my entire body.

"You're dumber than I give you credit for if you think I am putting out in this bed, during a thunderstorm like we did 8 years ago!" I am tapping into every ounce of strength I have to remember why this is such a bad idea.

"This time we will use protection." I try to push off of him but he grabs my wrist as he chuckles.

"I am only kidding Allie Cat. I mean of course I would love to ravish you right here, it's all I have thought about for years but I don't want things to get weird again."

"It's all you have thought about for years?" My curiosity is peaking. He thought of the one week we had often? I thought it was just a blimp on his manly conquest radar. Losing his virginity was just something he had to get out of the way.

I can feel his chest rumble as a laugh escapes. " I see how you change the subject. Yes, of course. I told you I tried to get you out of my head with Colleen. I told myself it had felt so good and natural with you because you were my first."
He feels me involuntarily clench my muscles at her name. He takes his calloused hand and caresses my arms. "Seriously though I was celibate for years after you pulled your disappearing act. I just wanted to stay single for you when you finally came to your senses. I knew you were stubborn but my goodness woman! A man can only resist for so long."

I eye roll. So caveman like. "I am sure it didn't help being the star basketball player having women throw themselves at you."

"It was a pesky little problem." I reach up and tickle his armpit, reveling in his squirm as he braces both my arms, throwing myself on top of him. We are face to face now groin to groin. I can see our walk down memory lane is causing him to grow. I rest my face on my hands on top of his chest staring down at him.

" I experimented is all I will say to that." He curled an eyebrow up gauging my reaction especially since my knee is so very close to his man hood.

"How scientific of you? What did these experiments entail?" I fidget by tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, not sure I want the whole truth. A part of me is jealous he has been with others but the other part knows he only was with them because I refused to.

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