The Date

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My curtains filter in the morning light and I hear the soft ruffling of my sheets and shift of the mattress as Michael weight shifts the bed. I pretend to be asleep even though behind my eyelids I can see Michael's frame staring at me willing me to wake up. Possibly to confront our new situation that occurred last night.

He quietly sneaks out and I can't tell if I am relieved or disappointed that he didn't desire to resume last night this morning. I know I can't avoid him forever but I can try to put some distance between us until we get control of whatever is going on between us.

Church is obviously not going to happen today as Walt needs a day of rest. It's also a blessing in disguise to further avoid Michael.

I think about last night. The what ifs. What if Walt didn't wake us up? What if Michael thinks of me as more than his lame obsessed next door neighbor? What if Michael is in love with me? Could that be possible?

It was effortless to fall in the old patterns with him. He is after all, all I have ever known.

Maybe that's why it is so easy. I don't know any different.

Maybe if I tried with someone else more I wouldn't be easily swayed by Michael. I mull this thought over until I again fall back asleep.

A knock on the door jolts me upright and I say a silent prayer that it isn't Michael. I don't want to face him after last night. The mere thought of last night has my face turning a deep shade of red.

To my relief standing at the door is Rodrigo and Martin carrying a box of donuts and coffee.

"We just came to drop this off. Unless you are up for company?" His lopsided smile makes my heart dip low in my chest. He makes it difficult to say no and I figure I could use the distraction anyways.

"Ok but Martin," I squat to his eye level. " You would be a great friend if you make sure Walt takes it easy. No running or wrestling for a couple of weeks."

Martin nods in agreement as he runs inside to find Walt.

I open the door wider so Rodrigo can squeeze in. His broad shoulders and chest fill up the door frame.

"How are you doing mama?" He gently begins stroking the back of my arm as warmth spreads across my body.

"I am hanging in there. Just thankful it wasn't worse." I give a small knowing smile.

"Yah, I saw Michael leave this morning. I hope he was helpful." His tone was a tad more serious, not as playful as before. I feel my cheeks burn under his interrogation.

"Yah, he went to leave last night but Walt wasn't feeling good. We all passed out together from exhaustion. " That might not be the whole truth but it was a part of it. He doesn't need to know the flirting childhood antics that almost........maybe...... possibly led to something more.

My head is still swimming but I can't discern if it's Michael or if its just been so long since I've had a manly touch around. There is only one way to find out.

"I think I earned  a night out though, kid free. " I slide my hand down his forearm til I find Rodrigo's hand as he grasps it, a smile stretches across his stubbly face.

"Oh yeah, anything or anyone in particular that you have in mind."

" I honestly can't remember the last time I went out." I release a nervous truthful laugh. " Are you free Friday night?"

He reaches up and rubs his chin smirking, " I think I can clear my schedule for you. Martin will be with his grandparents that weekend."

My eyes bulge in shock. I try to formulate words but my mouth and mind aren't connecting.

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