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The rest of the 6 weeks have flown by with only minor hiccups. There wouldn't be a boujie 6 tiered cake as every baker within a 100 miles that was worth anything couldn't accommodate the short notice. Even when I was forced to recall at the behest of Savannah to name drop her name. Who doesn't love to hear rejection twice?!

After the cake debacle I am destined to have to wear hearing aids thanks to Savannah's cries and tantrums. Finally she accepted the news and opted for a more chic dessert table with pies, cup cakes, etc.

If she wasn't pregnant or my client I would have killed her when I found out she didn't even LIKE cake. She HATED cake. She was distraught over a cake she wouldn't even eat!

My only motivation to not wrangle her perfect neck was that she was a paying client and taking Michael out of my life permanently. It just showed me how much Michael had changed. He was always easy going and care free and now his life was being run by a tyrant. Not surprised as they say men often marry some version of their mother and Savannah seemed to fit that role perfectly.

In this line of work, with the clients we serve, I am used to needy, demanding, and OCD women. Savannah checks all those boxes. I wasn't sure if her neediness picked up since being pregnant but she couldn't manage a single phone call or interaction with any vendor without me. I earned this paycheck without a doubt and Michael better know it.

It's FINALLY rehearsal night and due to being the ringleader of this circus that I have been masterminding I almost forgot who would be in attendance.....The groom's family.

I knew his mom would still recognize me. I grew up with her piercing stares burning holes in the back of head, or front, or side or any part that was near her precious Michael. If I ever went missing I would want her to give the details of my face to the sketch artist, she wouldn't miss a freckle.

Michael communicated via email that he prefaced to his mother our current arrangement and situation. That was a relief. Still I had this uneasy feeling in my gut and I was taking rolaids like they were tic tacs.

I just have to get this over with and then tomorrow is the last of it. I will not have to wake up thinking about Michael, the what ifs and the possibilities. I won't  be stressing about him trying to nudge his way back into my life. I can officially move on and he as well. It was the peace I was looking for. Just one more day was my mantra.

For the wedding rehearsal I brought in Charles to help coordinate everyone. He will also be assisting me with the day of the wedding. 

Mr. Jones asked if I would help Charles navigate the ropes and to guide him on proper etiquette. So now I was trying to walk the tightrope of Michael/Mrs. James and babysit a pervert.

I had my handy dandy checklist and everything was going seamlessly. Everyone started showing up to the venue and only a few stragglers remained. It was just going to be the wedding party and showing them where they entered and stood. They needed to practice coming down the aisle and departing etc. We needed to do a quick run through of the vows then just a few pointers on pictures for after while the venue changes to the reception.

Tyler found me and in the 6 weeks since he had seen me last his fondness apparently had not dissipated. He came strolling over looking as dapper as ever in business casual with his white button up shirt open enough that his perfectly sculpted pectorals were peeking out.  He flashes me his pearly whites and I couldn't help but mirror him in response.

Instead of a hand he leans in for a one armed side hug but he whispers in my ear as his burly hand squeezes, "Don't think I have forgotten about Allie, I hope she saves me a dance at the reception."

His hot breath jolted through me as I playfully patted his arm. Ok there is one good thing about this wedding so far however no matter how desirable Tyler is that would never happen. I can't be entangled with my Ex's best friend.

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