The Confrontation

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Monday didn't go as badly as I had conjured up in my nightmares with Mr. Jones. Thankfully no one pieced together that it was me who intentionally busted Savannah in the bathroom therefore my professionalism is left intact.

Savannah even sent me an email apologizing. She also wanted to let me know she would not be requiring any further services as she would be getting married but in a very small service without many guests. I am assuming her family didn't want everyone to know she was marrying her step brother, also the baby daddy. It's nice to know that even amongst the wealthy they have issues too....major creepy issues.

I am happy to dive back into work as Mr. Jones sets me up with another client. Mr. Jones is appreciative that I have taken to the task of having Charles under my wing. He is improving on his work ethic but he is still vulgar and his eyes linger every time I have to bend over slightly to grab remotely anything. I still have my hands full with making him a suitable employee before Mr. Jones retires.

I am thankful for work and the distraction it provides in order to keep myself from analyzing my interaction with Michael at my doorstep. I also have to finish an article I am writing on inflation of medications from pharmaceutical companies. I have interviews still to do from whistleblowers and then verifying their stories. Basically I have heaps of work to distract me from what possessed Michael James to come to my door step after 8 years and a botched wedding to chat.

Our normal life resumes smoothly including mundane school pick up/drop off, homework, basketball practice, dinner, then prepping for another day. It's not easy being a single mom but I make it work and it's worth it for Walt. I am lucky my work can be portable so I can watch his practices while answering emails or writing my latest story.

Wednesday comes and I am already looking forward to a relaxing weekend. One that doesn't include Michael unexpectedly showing up on my doorstep.

My day starts with a call from my dad but I am busy on the other line with my new bride discussing caterers. I send him to voicemail along with the other 90 million voicemails I haven't listened to yet.

I pick up Walt from school and head home when I realize I never called my dad back. He rarely calls me so I want to make sure everything is ok. I hear my cell phone ring again and ironically  it is my dad AGAIN.

My heart drops at the sight of his name. That's definitely anxiety inducing. He NEVER calls twice in the same day. Now guilt washes over me out of neglecting his previous call if something serious is going on. My heart quickens and I answer, " Hey dad, is everything ok?"

Two words stop my heart. Two words that have me wanting to head upstairs and pack everything we own and disappear. Two words that threaten to destroy my life and blow it up epically.

"He KNOWS! " Is all my dad gets out before I see a a familiar Escalade again whipping around the corner barreling towards my driveway that then slams on its brakes stopping right in front of me. MICHAEL......

Oh crap! I drop the phone. It shatters and so will my world.

Walt stands in front of me protectively. I use my most calming reassuring voice. "It's Ok Walt. I know him. Head inside and get started on your homework, afterwards I'll play a game of Horse." Walt shakes his head and saunters towards the door.

Michael bolts out of his vehicle slamming his door so loudly it echoes throughout the neighborhood.

I brace myself. I have pictured this scene a million times in my nightmares. It is about to get real. Its is my day of reckoning.

"How could you?!!" Michael growls. In all the years of our friendship I have never seen this version of Michael before. I have seen him annoyed, pissed, and peeved but not bone shakingly angry.

Neighbors start to peer around their porch to catch the action.

I hiss, " Keep your voice down!" I know I am just adding fuel to the fire the way he looks at me.

"Are you serious?! You have lied to me all these years! And you want me to keep my voice down!"

His hands stay clenched at his side. He looks intimidating, ready for a fight but I know Michael would never lay a hand on me.
"I NEVER lied to you!" I retort.

His eyes widen and I realized I've said the wrong thing.
"So HE is MINE right?!" He questions.

His? His? No way in hell is he his. In one breath he revealed my deepest fear.

I step forward, jetting my chin out, "He is mine! You need to leave!" I poke a finger in his chest to emphasize my point.

Michael takes a step further as we are now inches from one another staring into the other's eyes. The air feels like it has been pulled from lungs as the world seems to disappear and its just Michael James and I in a tail spin.

I suddenly feel a strong muscular arm curl in front of me as they push me behind their shirtless back. From the tattoos I know it is Rodrigo, my neighbor. Our sons are best friends and play in the same basketball league.

"I believe the woman said to leave!" He barks. It would have been intimidating if Michael wasn't 6'3. It's been a long time since having someone fight my battles and come to my aid but I need a chance to collect my thoughts. Being rescued and hiding might set the feminist movement back 20 years but I NEED this right now.

Michael looks over Rodrigo's shoulder as I peek out he seethes through clenched teeth, "Either you talk to me by next week or I'm getting my lawyers involved."

Have you ever been on one of those rides where you walk into a chamber and they pull the floor out under your feet and you fall? That sentence has that reaction to my body. I might have actually  fallen if Rodrigo hadn't turned around and braced me with his arms. I rest my head on his shoulders, willing myself not to cry.

He helps carry me over to the patio chairs as I hear Michael's wheels peel out of the driveway.

"It's going to be ok, just breathe. Slow deep breaths." Rodrigo says in a reassuring voice as he lovingly pats my back. "Baby daddy problems?" He says jokingly to try to ease the mood.

I am more in control of myself now. " Something of the sort of."

I don't think he needs to hear all of my issues right now.

Rodrigo stays with me a bit longer until I can collect myself to go inside and pray that Walt had headphones in and wasn't listening to the disaster that just unfolded. Michael has come back into my life and blown it up and I am stuck here trying to re-configure the pieces.

My Ex-Bestfriendजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें