The last straw

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We are snuggling on the couch post food coma when Mrs. James casually waltzes in.

I am comfortably snuggled into the crook of Michael's shoulder as he gently caresses my hair. I am trying to keep our affections limited in front of Walt until we can have another heart to heart. Walt is lounging across both our laps as he dozes in and out. It is so serene, too serene.

Mrs. James puts her hands on her hips, " Allison, let's leave the boys to be boys with their football and how about the ladies clean up and set up for dessert." I hold in a grumble.

First because she used Allison and everyone knows I prefer Allie. Second because I have been teleported back to the 1950s. Michael gives me a grin but squeezes my thigh as I stand up. I hope he takes this as a sign of me compromising because in the very near future he too will be doing lots of compromising. 

"Sure thing." I chime. I am the real MVP of today and Michael better not forget it.

I look over my shoulder and mouth "help me" to Michael. He just chuckles and diverts his gaze back to the TV.

I mosey into the kitchen grabbing an extra apron off the hook and tying it on. She scrubs a dish then passes it to me as I load it into the dishwasher.

"It's been quite the shock finding out about Walt and you, " she breaks the silence.

So direct. Never a "Hi how are you?" or a " My how you have managed to raise a precious boy single handedly, even graduating college. " Or how about "What are your future goals in life?"

Nope not Mrs. James. She goes for the jugular.

"Really? It shouldn't be after all it's just simple biology," I quip back.

She stifles her shock as she has to come to grips that her precious perfect boy slummed it next door in the sheets with me.

"I know how biology works," she huffs.

"You know, I imagine it was just as shocking when I found out that Colleen's mother is perfectly alive and never had any bout of cancer."

I don't know what came over me. I couldn't drop it. Maybe becoming a mother has instilled a type of  bravery I hadn't yet tapped into like the bravery my mother had that  night. I want her to know that I see her for who she is. She might have the wool pulled over Michael's eyes but not me. She is nothing but a meddling judgmental woman.

Mrs. James wears a triumphant smile on her face that it took all these years for me to finally uncover the truth of her lies.

"I'm sure you have figured out by now that you will do just about anything to keep your baby safe." She smugly retorts without a shred of remorse. I am not sure this woman even knows what remorse is.

"Safe implies I was the danger and since your son failed to get the condom talk I would assume he was the REAL danger."

"You were a danger when you showed up soaking wet on my doorstep 8 years ago! You were a danger to everything my baby boy worked so hard to achieve and you were going to make him throw it all down the drain for some sub par dream!" She seethed. "What happened to you putting him up for adoption?!"

I bite the inside of my cheek til I taste blood. Everything she just said hits my core because that's exactly what brought me to her doorstep 39 weeks pregnant almost 8 years ago. I never told Michael this story because I am utterly embarrassed that I even considered not being a Mom to Walt. This was going to be my take to my death bed secret, one that would paint me in a bad light and Mrs. James.  Michael has me painted as this fierce single mother  if he only knew how weak I was. At that time I was riddled with self doubt. I didn't think love was enough to sustain Walt. How at 18 could a single mom in college give a life worth anything to this innocent boy?

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