An ER visit

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Michael arrives early each morning this week to our condo so we can bring Walt to school together. Even with the additional meet up responsibilities he never shirked his afternoon pick up duties either. I keep asking if the time constraints are fine with his job but he assures me that since it is the off season his work load is lighter. Plus since his previous ex bride's family are the owners they are keeping their distance. He is able to make his own schedule and even such, Walt will take first priority always. The last part makes me swoon....slightly.

His undevoted prioritization was one reason I always loved Michael. He never forgot me except til he did and maybe that's why it hurt so much. I was his priority before and I knew how safe that felt. I liked feeling that someone besides my dad placed me above all others. So when that comfort was ripped away the fall hurt.

Like every weekend Walt has a basketball game. We would be meeting Michael at Walt's basketball game once again. Rodrigo, Martin, Walt, and I decided to carpool. The boys have started to believe it is good luck when we car pool as we have won every game that we have. The boys thought that since today is against their biggest rivals they need all the luck they could get.

Walt and Martin sit the back seat taking turns with Walt's new Nintendo switch. Another afternoon shopping trip gift that Michael insisted on getting him. He said he was celebrating his first week at a new school. I think he is just looking for opportunities to spoil him. I will tolerate it for a little while since he did miss out on numerous birthdays and Christmases but I won't let my kid grow up to be a brat.

I can see out of the corner of my eye Rodrigo stealing glances at me, his eyes gazing at my thighs. I fidget under his stare as he unconsciously licks his lips. Suddenly the vehicle feels like the heat is blasting. As a single mom I stopped feeling like I had the sex appeal to make guys want me. It feels almost foreign.

Rodrigo breaks the electric energy, " So how's it going with your ex?" He asks in a hushed tone as to not draw attention to our conversation from the other occupants in the vehicle.

I shrug, "He isn't technically my ex." I bite my lip at the half truth. I mean he isn't technically my ex we never officially dated. Obviously he knows we were intimate at some point cause...hello Walt. However, he doesn't need to know that Michael was who I thought would be my everything. My past, present and future when I was 18. Man I was such a dumb teenager, I mentally kick myself.

"You're evading the question." Rodrigo counters. Apparently uninterested in my decoy of labels or lack there of.

"Not bad. He is doing well at slowly inserting himself into our life. Minus the whole moving to a new school thing."

"I am a fan of that though. Martin has been in the best mood this week. He is normally a bear to get out of bed but each day but he has been so excited to see Walt."

Watching Rodrigo smile reflecting on his own son's joy makes me mirror him. It's true. Michael was right that Walt needed a new school but I hope I never have to admit that to him.

We park and the boys scurry out to meet their teammates in the locker room. Rodrigo gets to my door as I grasp his hand to get out. He doesn't drop my hand this time but he pulls me to his side as he shuts the door. We start walking towards the entrance, my hand still safely tucked inside his. It's a simple gesture that to me speaks volumes. My feet robotically propel me forward even though my mind feels like it is in the clouds.

I look ahead and it's not hard to spot Michael who easily towers above everyone in a crowd. He is looking right at us as his eyes are laser focused on Rodrigo and my hand. I quickly release my hand from Rodrigo's as I feign the need to adjust the strap on my purse. Michael's scowl makes blood rush to my neck as I am sure my face is now betraying me. Michael has no claim to me but why does it feel like I just got caught with my hand in the cookie jar?

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