The aftermath

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The next two days I am a wreck. I am functioning on auto pilot and praying Walt doesn't notice my disheveled appearance. I can't help but contemplate packing up and relocating to somewhere where Michael can't find us. I talk myself out of it for a number of reasons. One being I don't want to disrupt the life we have built here. Then there is the fact that for all intents and purposes it isn't like Michael is a "bad guy" per se. He didn't do drugs or beat me. He just pretended to love me to use me which inadvertently created Walt. It isn't fair for Walt to not have a male influence in his life when Michael might be ready to be one. I call Rebecca as her steady voice is always a calming presence in my life.

She isn't shocked when I tell her that Michael found out and imploded. I am sure she was always waiting for the other shoe to drop as the saying goes. I knew deep down one day Michael might find out. Either from Walt's own curiosity or just life, I just hoped that Walt would be much older. That if it came down to court I would get sole custody. Rebecca listens  as I cry and contemplate every worst case scenario.

"I know this isn't how you anticipated this situation to unfold but here we are, " Rebecca says as she refills my chamomile tea cup for the 2nd time. My nerves so on edge that coffee would have been a bad idea.

I nod.

"It's time to put your big girl panties on and face the music." My eyes widen as she has never been so frank before.

" You have done an amazing job at raising such a sweet, kind, loving little boy. I know you had your reasons 8 years ago but things are different now. Maybe Michael is different too and he deserves the benefit of the doubt."

"What if he isn't different? What if he tries to take him from me?" I can barely get the words out over the lump in my throat.

" I think you are getting ahead of yourself. Take the first step and talk to him. You are getting all worked up over something that might be a good thing."

I want to believe her but I just feel like my life is always too messy to work out that seamlessly.

I dread having to explain myself to Walt. How do I put this whole ordeal on the level of an almost 8 year old?

I am distracted at work and jittery. At the dress designers I spill coffee on one of the display dresses. I think the owner wants to skin me alive and sell it when I bring it to her attention. Thankfully she doesn't charge me a cleaning fee because we bring them a hefty amount of high end clientele.

I go home feeling like a firework about to explode. Walt and I head inside to start homework and dinner when I hear a harsh loud knock on the door. I suck in a breath.

Please God don't let it be Michael. It's only been two days. He said a week. Please.

I look through the peephole and it is Rodrigo. If it wouldn't have given him the wrong message I would have jumped through the door and kissed him for not being Michael.

I open the door and he is holding a pizza and his son Martin has a pack of soda.

"I thought you might enjoy some pizza and company tonight. What do you think?" Rodrigo grins and his wide smile sells the intrusion. I couldn't resist a small distraction.

Honestly, to not have to cook tonight when my mind feels like it has 50 internet tabs open sounds like a dream.

"Yes, that sounds AMAZING." I gesture him in and grab the paper plates and napkins from the cabinet. Walt beams as he sits at the table next to Martin as we serve them first.

"Thank you so much for this. It really made my day." Rodrigo shrugs like it is some small gesture but it really means the world to me.

I feel a tickle in the back of my throat cause it really is touching. I remember when we moved in a couple months ago how nervous I was. This town home was a step up from our last apartment but it still wasn't in the nicest area. I was worried about our neighbors and if they would be a good influence on Walt. When Rodrigo saw me hauling up our furniture he jumped in to help me without even being asked. He has helped coach Walt in basketball and been one of the few male role models we have had. I have been too busy to get to know him but just knew the basics. He looked like a single dad. I had never seen another woman come by. He had a job and his son had great manners. So whatever he was doing he was doing something right.

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