The introduction

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I pick up Walt from Christy's and he is in great spirits. Playing hours of video games will have that effect on a 7 year old boy. I feel like I should just rip this off like a bandaid.

"How about we go get ice cream?" I cheerfully proclaim.

"Oh man, what's the bad news?" Walt wears a worried expression as he sinks further into the back seat cushion.

My face is bewildered at his reply, "What do you mean 'bad news' we are just getting ice cream?!"

"No. Every time you say "let's go get ice cream" it means something bad is happening or has happened." He crosses his arms over his body to emphasize his point.

"Come on, that's not true." I give a reassuring smile.

"Yes it is! One time it was to tell me Ninja died."

Ninja was his turtle that escaped and somehow met fate at the end of my shoe. I thought turtles were supposed to be slow. Who knew?

"Ok so one time doesn't mean all the time," I counter.

He puts up his finger in protest now preparing to tally the offenses.

"Another time was after we went to the dentist and you told me they would have to pull a tooth next time. Then I got ice cream again after the tooth was pulled!"

Why do kids have amazing memories at trivial stuff but things like cleaning their room they have amnesia.

"Well this time is different. I have good news." A smiles stretches across my face.

He gives me a skeptical look in the rear view mirror.

" Oh yeah. What?" He counters my happiness with a sullen frown.

"Your dad would like to meet you?"

Even as I said the words they feel foreign on my lips as it pertained to Walt. His eyebrows shot up.

"My dad?' His voice now inquisitive.


"Why hasn't he wanted to meet me before?"

"I'm sure he would have but he just found out about you." I look in the rearview mirror to gauge his reaction. He still seems a bit in shock. Looks very similar to his dad last week.

"He just found out about me?" Walt ponders this.

I nod.

"Is that normal for dads to only find out now?"

He is 7 so I can see the confusion. I bet at school he has friends where the mom and dad are still happily together. He never knew what it was like to have both parents under the same roof.

"No, not always but in our situation it is." I attempt to keep my tone light and my posture relaxed.

"Is he nice?"

"Very nice." I assure him.

"Is he good at basketball?"

I can't help but stifle a laugh. A 7 year old boy's list of "must have" dad qualities are simple and sweet.

"Oh yes. Very good." I don't want to spoil it that his dad is famous in some circles.

"Ok sounds good to me," he shrugs and continues to look out the window.


"Can we still get ice cream even though we don't have bad news?"

I roll my eyes. There is no further use in arguing with him but I make a mental note to do ice cream for good things too.

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