Date Night

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We are in the comfort of Rodrigo's car when I feel the need to apologize again, " Seriously I didn't plan to have Michael babysit. Mrs. Rebecca was supposed to but she is sick. "

Rodrigo smiles, "It's seriously fine. I wish my ex was stable enough to watch our son. Although I doubt she would be cool enough to let me go on a date." Rodrigo gives a playful wink to cut the tension that I created.

I nervously tuck my hair behind my ear as I adjust the seat belt. A  change of subject is in order "So are you going to tell me where we are going?"

"Ever been rock climbing?" Rodrigo grins as he shifts into reverse. My heart plunges to my stomach.

What did I get myself into?

Indoor rock climbing is actually better than I had anticipated. Rodrigo is supportive and I like spectating just as much as participating. It did give me uninterrupted ogling of Rodrigo's defined muscles. I realize Rodrigo doesn't have much of a competitive streak as myself or for that matter as much as Michael. Even though I am a newb I use my petite size and athletic prowess to conquer more difficult climbs. Rodrigo is content cheering me on when he believed the course was to difficult for him. He didn't even try which for some reason bothered me at a level I know it shouldn't, but it does.  I tried to get out of my head but it was like a constant compare and contrast list inside my brain. Michael vs. Rodrigo. This has to be a normal side effect of not being with many guys that I have the ability to compare only 2.

Keeping in theme with casual we dine at a local bistro consuming far too much pizza. Conversation is carefree and light as Rodrigo tells me the numerous stories of his high school detention days. Its easy to talk to him, not that I am surprised as it always has been. Its nice but that's it just nice. Is nice enough? There is no word swords play with him or sarcasms layered in truth like Michael.

On the drive home the sun is fading in the distance and Rodrigo reaches for my hand interlacing our fingers together. It feels so effortless with Rodrigo. I know I am content and I should be grateful for that but there is this annoying pang in my gut nudging me to not settle. I do feel something for Rodrigo and maybe over time it will grow. Its not fair to compare everything about him to Michael whom I have known for the majority of my life. 

I can see my condo up ahead but Rodrigo slows and stops a few driveways before mine.

Confused, I glance over at him as he shifts into park.

"I want to tell you a proper goodbye without your chaperone possibly interrupting." His mischievous grin makes my flutter. This is it. This is the moment that I need to really compare.

I laugh in amusement cause I can totally see Michael attempting to cock block him. I glance at the house nervous that any second that is a very real possibility. Michael could feign playing basketball or Walt when he is really snooping about. I know he would because that is something I would do if it were vice versa. It would be such a mood killer to have him staring on. He might have volunteered to babysit but something tells me he had a different agenda.

My hands nervously fidget in my lap contemplating Michael's intentions when Rodrigo reaches over with his one hand resting on mine to steady them as he leans in staring at my lips.

I know where this is going. My heart starts racing as it's been AGES since another man has kissed me. Come to think of it, who was the last person? When was it? Why am I thinking about this when two perfectly juicy lips that belong to a tattooed Casanova are coming at me.

I push the thoughts out as he makes contact. Soft and subtle at first and then his tongue swiftly darts in sweeping. I try to match his tempo and speed but it isn't coming naturally. Maybe with practice. Am I out of practice? Suddenly his lips press off me when he releases a laugh.

My cheeks instantly heat as embarrassment floods through me. Is he laughing at me and my inability?

"Allie, I like you but I think YOU might want to just be friends?"

I blink rapidly as I am genuinely confused and stunned by his revelation.

"Was I that bad?" I bury my face in my hand not daring to peak out.

He laughs again. That's not helping the situation. I fold my arms defensively over my chest. He wraps a hand around my arm attempting to disarm my protective stance.

"No no. I could just tell you aren't into it. That's ok. It doesn't hurt my feelings. I know I am a sexy man." He wags his eyebrows, "I think you might still be hung up on your Ex.?" He says it more as a fact than a question.

I don't know what I find more insulting: the fact that he is mocking me after our lack luster kiss or that he thinks he knows my feelings better than I do.

"What? Why would I ask you if you are free for a date if I was still interested in my ex??? Which he ISN'T technically even my ex! We never dated!" My temper is starting to flare and I can see Rodrigo regretting his comment.

"You might not have dated but you have history there. Listen if the shoe was on the other foot I get it. I wish my ex could stay clean cause I truly do love her. Even more since she gave me Martin. You have the chance to make a family with what seems to be a stand up guy. I just want you to know I am bowing out."

My jaw hangs open.

"If you like him so much you date him! Who said I wanted you to bow out? Don't I get a choice?!"

Rodrigo shakes his head. "You have had a lot of adjustments and changes recently and you don't need a new relationship on top of all that. Let's just be friends for now and we can always revisit this. I'm not planning on going anywhere."

He cautiously reaches across to caress my arm. "I want you to be happy Allie. You deserve that. I'm just looking out for you and Walt."

I couldn't help but feel rejected. Shouldn't he try harder? Wouldn't he try harder if he really cared?

I want to cry and also burst into flames in frustration all at the same time. When I finally get a stand up guy he likes me too much to date me and wants to save me for Michael. What alternate world did I just end up in. My mind is firing too fast to respond to Rodrigo and he catches on that I am no longer in a talking mood.

He takes the truck out of park and drives slowly towards my driveway where he parks again. Of course he still plays the role of a gentleman and comes around to my door and helps me down. Before I can shoulder past him and run inside he places my face in the palms of his hands forcing me to look at him as he leans in and places a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Allie please know that I am only stepping back cause I  care about you. If Michael pulls another stunt like he did 8 years ago, so help me God I'll bury him." His eyes have darkened and I know by his tone he means it.

That makes the side of my mouth curl in satisfaction. He drops his hands from my face and I slide my hand in his and he gives a squeeze.

"Ugh I really hate you right now, " I retort.

He grins at me.

"I know but even if you can't admit it you know I am right." His face transforms into a broad smile.

"You will pay for that comment next time we are on the court." I side bump him with my arm.

"I have a feeling I'm gonna have some sore ribs soon."

My Ex-Bestfriendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن