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The rest of the week was setting up appointments after appointments for Savannah. The caterers, the
florists, a string quartet, on and on down the lists. Most wanted to hang up on me when they heard the impending wedding date but name dropping Savannah Montgomery opened doors.

She sent me the Bridesmaids list and the Groomsmen. Then came the hefty guest list.

I did a silent prayer that I didn't recognize any names from highschool. I might need to pop a xanax if I had to spend a night in a room with Colleen. However, I did think it would be in poor taste for Michael to invite his ex girlfriend.

I did recognize one name on the guest list that I knew to anticipate. Mrs. James, my version of the grinch. She obviously would be there as Michael's mom wouldn't miss it for the world. My heart clenched at the idea of spending time in a room with her. I shook away the feeling pushing it down until I would have to address it.

I set up the appointments for Savannah to meet with several wedding dress designers that could get her in and have it altered on such a time crunch. It helped that her wedding dress budget was massive therefore numerous designers were vying for her. She had a specific look she wanted in order to hide the baby bump in a couple months.

Savannah accompanied me to the groom and groomsmen sizing and fitting appointments for their suits. I squeezed in a quick morning jog beforehand.  I need to mentally prepare myself to see Michael in a suit. I saw him in one at prom and even then when his manly physique hadn't fully filled in he still looked breathtaking.

I might be repulsed by his character but my body still responds and remembers what he did to me all those nights ago. Today with his broad shoulders and muscles that flex that I didn't even know could be flexed my throat constricts. I'm gonna need to follow this run with a cold shower too.

Savannah explains to the tailor that she wants Michael in a navy suit and the groomsmen in a light gray suit with a navy tie. She explains how she wants a more straight leg for the pants and a more modern look for the top. The tailor nods in understanding as he begins gesturing to his assistant to take the necessary measurements. Michael puts up zero protests or concerns he just assumes the doting fiance role.

I sit on the velvet couch in front of the mirrors as the other groomsmen wait for their turns at a fitting. A tray of champagne and appetizers circulate the room via an employee. I grab a flute of champagne, a godsend to me in this moment. I don't normally drink on the job but a few sips will help to calm my nerves.

A couple of the guys are well known basketball players that Michael must have developed a friendship with in the NBA. I'm sure most wedding coordinators wouldn't know that but I am not your typical coordinator. I am fighting the urge to talk up their stats and fan girl over them. Especially one in particular with a perfectly chiseled jawline that looks straight out of a GQ magazine approaches me with his hand that could easily engulf mine.

"Hi there, I'm Tyler. Don't believe we have met." He flashes me his smile which I am sure is his signature panty dropper.

I attempt to swallow the bubbly champagne without choking as my hand thoughtlessly left my body and reaches his. "Alison, nice to meet you."

"Alison. Do you go by Allie or Alison?" His voice is so deep an husky. I never thought a voice could illicit such a sensual desire...til now.

This gorgeous fine specimen could call me whatever he wanted but I kept it professional,"Allison when I am at work, Allie when I am off."

"Well I look forward to meeting Allie sometime," his lopsided smug smile makes my heart skip.

I can feel my cheeks heating up betraying me. " Are you The Tyler Sanchez from the Ravens?" I inquire.

I am not sure how it is possible but Tyler's smile grows even wider, " Yes. You watch basketball?"

I laugh, "Watch it? I live, breathe and even play it." I finish with a playful wink.

Tyler, "I think I am in love. Let's make this a double wedding." He jests.

My face has moved from heated to fire. I must look like a tomato.

I was startled from my deep fantasies when a voice barks out, " TYLER! You're next!" Michael yells from the elevated stage he as he casts a scowl in our direction.

Tyler gives me a nod, " Better get over to groom-zilla over there. Not my fault he chose such a prissy bride. She can't even play basket ball." His eyes have a glint mischief at the revelation.

I release a bashful chuckle.

Seeing him leave was not a bad sight either. Michael comes over and in a brash tone, "It's not very professional to be drooling over the groomsmen."

I am taken aback because I didn't know he had noticed our interaction and  this is an appointment for his wedding day so why does he even care.

" Oh sorry I thought I was still invisible to you. Or do you only acknowledge my existence when it suits you? "

His jaw clenches together. He knew why there was still anger laced in my remark.  I smile over at Savannah who is busy discreetly talking to one of the groomsmen. He is much more stocky than the others and not at all tall. He definitely doesn't seem like a basketball player. He also seems to be more on the outskirts of the group and not as friendly with the other groomsmen.

"How do you know that guy?" I move my head in the direction of the groomsmen Savannah is talking to. I ask for a change in subject and my own curiousity. 

" That's Savannah's step brother, David. They are very close so I thought it would be polite of me to ask him to be in the wedding party."

I nod in understanding. I watch on as Savannah holds David's arm as she speaks. A gesture that is sweet and caring. His body language seems annoyed at being here, not at all grateful to be included in the wedding party. He is the last to get his measurements as he furrows his brow and attempts to keep his arms across his chest like a toddler.

The rest of the men discuss plans for after the appointment since it is late afternoon and most have traveled just to be here for the fitting.

" Come on Michael, let's head to a park and school some kids." Tyler jokes. He seems carefree and a fun guy to be around.

"Not tonight. You forget I am around basketball and teaching all day long. Let's just hit up a pub." Michael quips.

" I know you teach but have you started playing again?" Tyler seems more persistent and a hint of almost worry in his voice.

I could tell Michael knew some hidden message by Tyler's inquisition but he remains calm, " I have enough contact with a ball every day. I'm down to do anything other than basketball tonight."

Tyler does not push any further but I know there is some point he is trying to make. In the years I have known Michael he would never pass up an opportunity to play a pick up game especially one among friends. It isn't my place to inquire further. My job today is done and I am thankful for that.

"What do you say Allison you ready for me to meet Allie, you coming?" Tyler throws one arm over my shoulder. Michael's glare causes my heart to race.

" As much as I would love to, I have a wedding to put on in 6 weeks now and I still have a lot to do. Another time."

Tyler extends his hand for another shake to which I give  mine. I wasn't anticipating his next actions when he holds onto my hand turning it palm down as he kisses it with his gorgeous full lips. My cheeks flush and knees buckle. This man made Fabio seem like the geek in chemistry class. Michael abruptly turns and heads to say goodbye to Savannah but as he passes Tyler his shoulder shove him slightly.

"Ouch Man!" Tyler responds to the unexpected assault.

"Oh sorry, didn't see you there." Michael apologizes but I find it hard to believe he didn't notice Tyler who is easily 6'6.

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