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Christy picks up after one ring, "Sorry I know you are at work but do you have a minute?"

In this day in age I never call without prior confirmation via text that they aren't busy. Who just randomly calls without warning?! Except its a universal signal that a phone call means its an EMERGENCY or a crisis.

Christy works as a midwife and is either with a patient or recovering from being with a laboring mom all night. I want to respect her time but today I'm in crisis mode and need my best friend.

"Allie you never call me what's up?" Christy sounds panicked.

"Guess who just came in as the fiance of my client?!"

She is silent. She knows I haven't been in any serious relationships. Maybe a handful of first to second dates but absolutely no one I felt worthy enough to meet Walt. The silence is deafening and I know she won't ever guess so I beat her to the punch, "Michael James!!!"

She gasps.

"Allie oh my gosh. What did you do?! What did you say?!" I can hear the terror in her voice.

Christy is well aware of my history with Michael. I met her when I had to live off campus due to my growing round tummy with Walt. We befriended each other and got close quickly. She is my only true best friend and thankfully one I will never have to worry about accidentally sleeping with then ghosting me.

"Pretended like he was just a regular client!"

"What?! He played along?" She's becoming more shocked at the revelation.

"Of course! What is he going to tell his prissy bride to be 'hey hun sorry you can't have your dream wedding because I lost my virginity to the wedding coordinator?' No way. He doesn't have it in him to be that transparent." I scoff at the idea.

"Ok but Allie, are you going to be ok doing this? He was a big part of your life and now you are planning his wedding. That's not going to be....I don't know....weird?" I can feel the concern in her voice.

"It's fine. It's more therapeutic. I can finally have closure on it. I want to get him married off as quickly as possible so I can keep him out of my mind permanently." I say it with an air of finality.

"Ok. Well, keep me posted. I want to know EVERYTHING!"

"I will. I got to get going and put feelers out on any potential cancellations for venues that meet her approval."

I hang up and a tiny ball of anxiety that's in the pit of my stomach deflates a bit. I can do this. It's 2 months. I grew a human in 9 months. I can most certainly plan a shotgun wedding of my sort of ex in 2 months.

Before I leave the office I send gift baskets with the finest fruits, chocolates and nuts to venue sites within a 50 mile radius that will remotely fit Savannah's list of demands. I attach a note with my number asking to be called ASAP for any cancellations within the next 2 months. This might not be my chosen career but I am damn good at it and for some reason I have this burning desire to prove to Michael and his soon to be bride that I am a rockstar.

That's basically all I can do at this point. I'll give this method a week before I get really desperate and have to be more creative with venue choices.

Arranging the gift baskets took my entire day and I have to go pick up Walt from practice. The only thing I can do now is just wait for the call.

Being a single mom I celebrate the little wins. Like last year when we moved to our condo that I am so proud of but now as I look at it along the row of all the other condos my excitement dies down. Up until this year I could only afford a 1 bedroom apartment. Walt was getting older and needed his own space.

My Ex-BestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now