Meet up at the courts

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I put on a cheery face as I head inside to not give any hint of the Rodrigo date debacle. The house is eerily quiet. I peak around the corner to find Michael on the couch with his phone illuminating his face.

"Walt's in bed." He retorts in a monotone voice.

His brisk reply is met with a swift exit. He stands to his feet and reaches for his keys. He pushes past me causing me to stumble towards the wall.

"Whoa dude whats your deal?"

I mean he knew I was on a date and he was all joking around about it before. What changed?

He turns to face me and shrug, "Nothing." By his face I can tell there is something brewing with his indignation.

"You aren't acting like nothing."  I counter. I don't want to pour salt in his wounds but he knew where I was and what I was up to. I should be relishing this moment because he seems to be jealous but instead I pity him. "You are the one who said it was fine for me to go on the date."

He rolls his eyes. "It's not about the date, Allie. I have bigger things in my life than your love but judging by that lackluster good bye I don't have much to worry about." His abrasive words sting when they hit me but I also know he was watching me. 

He reaches for the door knob to leave then turns around as I can see his inner turmoil unfold in his mind.

"What's wrong?" It comes out as a plea with a ping of desperation. Something is a miss and I don't want to be up half the night worrying over what it could be. 

For a brief moment he searches my face debating if he can be completely honest with me. It hurts me to realize how distant we have become in our friendship that what use to be second nature inflicts inner turmoil.  

" Will you do me a favor and meet me at my work tomorrow in the gym? You can bring Walt too."

That's random and not at all what I was expecting. He nervously jiggles his keys in his hands awaiting my answer.

"Yah of course. No problem."

He doesn't say another word, just trudges off to his car with a black cloud that seems to be hanging over his head.

I am left standing there more aloof than when I left Rodrigo. What is going on tonight? If he wasn't bothered by my date, or lack thereof, then what is bothering him?

There used to be no secrets between us. Not a single small detail about his day left out. I knew what he had for breakfast and if he switched to a new flavor of  protein. I knew things would be different between us but I wasn't prepared for secrets.

The next morning I awake to text from Michael informing me of the time to meet him at his work. I send him a thumbs up emoji that he "read" but doesn't reply. For unknown reasons that irks me.

Since it is the weekend there are only a few cars in the parking lot. I do take note that all of these cars currently in the lot are worth 3 times more than mine. My curiosity of why I am here is peaking.

Walt is excited to see where his dad works. I did have to finally tell him how his dad is a  basketball success. Michael would be disappointed to know that he missed the absolute sheer awe and amazement in his eyes. It didn't matter to Walt that he was once in the NBA but not anymore. He still thought it was the best news ever that his dad was "famous". 

The door that leads to the gym is left ajar for us and I make my way in sending Michael a text that we are here.

Michael: I am in the locker room. Can you meet me here?

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