The Wedding

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Finally the big day has arrived and the nerves combined with enthusiasm would almost seem like it was my wedding. Wedding days in general give me butterflies because it is the culmination of all my hard work so it has to be perfect. 

My nerves today have me on edge fighting nausea. I can only attribute it to being the final nail in the coffin of our love story or I guess not so love story with Michael. I can't deny that there isn't some sliver of home that I wished he would come crawling back. Only so that I could get the bitter revenge all these years leaving him stranded with no hope of regaining my love. I have to accept that there is no fantasy that will exist after today that he will come to his senses.

With bated breath Savannah fits into her wedding dress. She looks like a radiant and the iconic description of the blushing bride. Her bridesmaids pepper her with compliments that leave her feeling beautiful regardless of her blossoming waistline.

Mr and Mrs. James avoid me like the plague which I am not at all upset about in the slightest. Charles has been tasked with the groomsmen so thankfully I can avoid any awkward conversations with him. I don't need or want any sentimental proclamations today if he decides to make any, although history has taught me to not hold my breath.

The chapel portion of the reception area looks elegant as guests begin filing in.  Everything is going off without a hitch. I buzz Charles on the headset to make sure everyone is accounted for before the wedding starts. 

"Groom is ready. Missing one groomsman but checking the bathrooms now. We should be good to go," Charles says over the headset. I am quite surprised he is actually working and not being a pain in my butt. This is going even better than I could have anticipated.

"Ok, I am going to check on the bride and bridesmaids."

I find the bridesmaids still by the coffee catering cart we arranged for. I tell them to touch up in the bathroom then to get with their paired groomsmen that will be escorting them down the aisle. They nod and march off. This might not be what I had set out for in life but my bossy take charge attitude helps in this field.

I head to look for Savannah, unsure of what I will find since her emotions seem to be a roller coaster these days. I went towards the bridal suite that we had set up for her. I knock gently but no reply from Savannah so I push the door ajar. I push my head through as I hear what might be crying or sighing. I can't really make it out.

I push through further when I realize the mirror in the bathroom is reflecting Savannah. Her face is flushed with her hair swaying about. Perplexed I peak my head in further. I gasp as I am not prepared to see David, the step brother, pants down thrusting behind her.

I suppress the urge to vomit. I tiptoe out of the room with the biggest complication I have yet to come across in this profession. The bride is actively cheating on the groom. I don't want to be the one to catch her in the act. She will obviously deny it and I will look like the jealous nutcase to Michael. The devil on my shoulder though thinks he deserves to be married to a two timing incestuous whore. Mrs. James would get what she deserves for a daughter in law.

My good moral judgment though wins out. I head over to the side door where the staircase is.

"Hey Charles," I whisper in the headset from the stair well by the service entrance. 


"Savannah wants to talk to the groom alone. Can you send him to her suite? She is in the bathroom. Just stall the crowd please."

"Ok no problem."

I sit on the steps, face buried in my hands waiting. Waiting for the reaction that will inevitably come yet for some reason sorrow fills me. I try to dismiss it as simply a cry for humanity. No one deserves to be treated like this on their wedding day even if they are a terrible person.

Not more than five minutes later I hear Charles through the headset.

"Allison! We have a major problem! The groom has left the building." Charles screams through the headset.

I let out a sigh. I know why he left. I brace myself for the fall out and head towards the bridal suite once again.  It is confirmed when I find Savannah crying in the bathroom half her makeup running down her cheeks. Her mom is beet red but attempting to console her from making a scene. The step brother is using a cold champagne bottle for his busted lip that's currently staining the carpet.  I assume that to be the handy work of Michael which I can't help but be proud of. 

Savannah's Dad personally addresses the waiting guests. He gives them his apologies using the excuse that there was a complication with Savannah's medical health and was taken to the hospital. I am sure those closest to the family know Savannah is pregnant as they gasp. People file out and after everyone leaves  Savannah leaves too.

This was my first big client and it royally sucks that it didn't go as planned. There would be no great review or being tagged in any social media accounts. I would have to call Mr. Jones tomorrow to let him know. There was nothing I could have done to prevent this outcome.

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