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I spend Saturday decompressing from the wedding. I'll use the term wedding loosely since it didn't actually happen. Luckily I am too busy with Walt's basketball tournament to analyze everything.

I relish in the thought of Mr. and Mrs. James thinking Savannah was better than me. I don't have a step brother to speak of and even if did I am not that indecent to bang it out before I would walk down the aisle. I shudder at the thought.

It's ironic that Mrs. James thinks that due to my lack of finances I would have low moral fiber but usually it's people like Savannah. People who have been raised with everything and don't realize that special gift that is before them.

Eventually everyone would know why the wedding was called off. I can't imagine that Michael would reconsider nuptials with her but how would I know? I don't really know him. I have doubts that the baby is his. I bet I am not the only one pondering that.

Sunday comes and church is a much needed spiritual renewal from the week. I always leave feeling more joyful and grateful. I know I haven't always had it easy in life but I am still blessed.

My mom use to drag us to church on Sunday mornings. She would stuff me into some lacey frilly garment that itched the whole service. Dad would eventually fall asleep mid sermon. Mom loved it so we went to make her happy.

After she died we didn't really see the point of it. We could have still gone in her absence but I think it would have made us miss her even more.

I remembered at my mom's funeral the people from church were so kind and endearing. Bringing us a mountain of food for weeks on end. Food didn't fill that huge hole in my heart with mom gone but it was still a nice gesture. I associated at a young age the church people were nice people.

So when I got accidently knocked up and single motherhood stared me down I sought guidance at the church. I was nervous when I entered. I wasn't exactly sure what I was looking for but they had a sign out in front about unwed mothers' assistance.

I walked into the lobby and Rebecca greeted me. She had indented smile lines etched deeply on her face and snow white hair. She hobbled over and enthusiastically greeted me. It was as if years of joy flowed from her, her glee was genuine and not a scam.

She took me to the store room where they had donated maternity clothes and everything a baby could possibly need in the first year of life. I walked in the church feeling like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders but I walked out feeling like I could do it. I wasn't going to do it all on my own. 

I got to know Rebecca and shared my story with her. She was never judgemental but always encouraging and kind. She felt like a mother I never got to know in that stage of life.

Rebecca was a widow with grown kids so we became a family of sorts. I didn't have the perfect life but it was being rebuilt slowly. I have an amazing kiddo who is currently happily munching on a post church donut as we head home.

The drive home I start to dread Monday. Mr. Jones seemed pretty understanding of the events of Friday when I called. He knew it was outside my control and didn't seem disappointed that my first VIP client wedding went up in flames. It didn't help that I hadn't received the other half of the compensation for my services. I dare not reach out and ask.

I pull into our driveway and Walt beelines it inside to wash off his sticky donut fingers and mouth. I begin grabbing the rest of our things when out of my peripheral I see a Cadillac Escalade roll up and park in my driveway. I straighten up as my eyes meet the driver.....Michael James.

I quickly glance at the door and see Walt has made it inside unnoticed. Anxiety courses through me from my head to my toes. The last thing I need right now is Michael colliding into my world.

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